The Heartache of Being Ghosted: How One Writer Dealt with the Pain

The Heartache of Being Ghosted: How One Writer Dealt with the Pain

The Heartache of Being Ghosted: How One Writer Dealt with the Pain

In the professional settings or corporate world, being ghosted by potential candidates can lead to significant challenges. The phenomenon of ghosting, where individuals suddenly disengage without any communication, has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Companies often invest a considerable amount of time, energy, and money in their recruitment processes, only to experience setbacks due to ghosting.

Newspapers have been reporting alarming statistics on the losses experienced by businesses as a result of ghosting. According to a recent article in The New York Times, companies in the United States alone lost an estimated $3 billion in 2020 due to ghosting incidents. The impact is not limited to financial losses; it also affects productivity and employee morale.

Sumeru Digital, an innovative technology company, has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform as a blockchain-based solution to address this problem. Utilizing Hyperledger Fabric, the platform offers a range of features that can help businesses navigate the challenges associated with ghosting.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to report instances of candidate ghosting. Employers can document and track instances where candidates have abruptly ceased communication or failed to show up for scheduled interviews or assessments.

By reporting these incidents, businesses can build a comprehensive database of ghosting cases, enabling them to identify patterns and take proactive measures to prevent future occurrences. This feature fosters transparency and accountability among candidates and encourages them to honor their commitments.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Another valuable feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to assess candidates’ trustworthiness through a unique trust score. This score is generated based on their past behaviors and feedback from employers who have interacted with them.

By leveraging this trust score, businesses can make more informed decisions during the hiring process, reducing the risk of encountering ghosting incidents. Employers can prioritize candidates with higher trust scores, ensuring a more reliable and committed workforce.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

The Offer Ghosting Platform provides a holistic view of each candidate’s history through the use of blockchain technology. This creates a transparent and immutable record of their previous work experiences, interactions, and feedback from previous employers.

By accessing this information, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of candidates, helping them make better hiring decisions. It also acts as a deterrent for potential ghosting candidates, as their actions are permanently recorded and visible to potential employers.

The Offer Ghosting Platform serves as a comprehensive solution to tackle the challenges posed by candidate ghosting. By empowering businesses with tools to report incidents, evaluate trustworthiness, and access candidate history, the platform helps restore work commitments and minimize disruptions in the recruitment process.

To learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform and its features, visit their website at Business owners can sign up for a free trial by registering at

We urge business owners to start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By collectively addressing this issue, we can work towards eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world and bringing back strong work commitments.

Recruiter Ghosting: The Unprofessional Practice Plaguing Job Seekers

Recruiter Ghosting: The Unprofessional Practice Plaguing Job Seekers

The Rise of Recruiter Ghosting

In professional settings, recruiter ghosting has become a prevalent and frustrating issue for job seekers. It refers to the unprofessional practice of recruiters abruptly cutting off communication with candidates after initial contact or even after interviews, leaving job seekers in a state of limbo.

The Losses Incurred

The consequences of recruiter ghosting are significant and affect job seekers in terms of time, energy, and money. Time and effort spent in the application process, writing tailored cover letters, and attending interviews can all go to waste when communication suddenly ceases. This leaves job seekers feeling disheartened, ignored, and uncertain about their prospects.

Introducing the Offer Ghosting Platform

Fortunately, there is now a solution to combat this unprofessional practice. The Offer Ghosting Platform, built on Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, aims to eradicate recruiter ghosting and provide job seekers with transparency and accountability throughout the hiring process.

Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several key features that work together to transform the recruitment landscape:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Job seekers can now report instances of recruiter ghosting through the platform. This feature allows them to share their experiences, providing valuable insights and raising awareness about unprofessional recruiters.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform utilizes a unique algorithm to calculate a trust score for each candidate. This score reflects a candidate’s reliability and responsiveness based on their interaction history with recruiters. Hiring managers can consider this trust score when evaluating potential candidates, ensuring a more efficient and reliable hiring process.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the Offer Ghosting Platform records the interaction history of candidates on an immutable ledger. This allows recruiters and hiring managers to verify a candidate’s communication record, ensuring transparency and preventing any false claims or misunderstandings.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform is revolutionizing the recruitment process by addressing the challenges posed by recruiter ghosting. By empowering job seekers and promoting transparency in the hiring process, it fosters trust between recruiters and applicants, creating a more efficient and reliable ecosystem.

Start Your Free Trial Today

If you have experienced recruiter ghosting, don’t let this unprofessional practice discourage you. Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and take control of your job search.

Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website to learn more about the solution, and click here to register for your free trial.

The Rise of Job Ghosting: Why Candidates Are Disappearing

The Rise of Job Ghosting: Why Candidates Are Disappearing in Professional Settings

The Rise of Job Ghosting: Why Candidates Are Disappearing in Professional Settings

The Challenge of Job Ghosting

Job ghosting has become a significant issue in professional settings, leading to many challenges for employers and recruiters. Ghosting refers to the abrupt disappearance of candidates during the hiring process, leaving companies to deal with the losses in terms of time, energy, and money.

This phenomenon has become increasingly common in recent years, with candidates failing to show up for interviews, not responding to job offers, or accepting multiple offers and then choosing one at the last moment.

The Losses Incurred

Job ghosting can have severe consequences for employers and recruiters. When candidates vanish without any explanation, it creates a disruptive and inefficient hiring process, leading to wasted time and energy.

Companies and recruiters invest significant resources in sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates. When a candidate ghosts, all those efforts go to waste, resulting in loss of time and money.

Moreover, this trend negatively impacts the candidate experience. It damages a company’s reputation and makes it challenging to attract and retain top talent.

The Offer Ghosting Platform

In response to this growing concern, the Offer Ghosting Platform has emerged as a groundbreaking solution. Built on a secure blockchain-based infrastructure using Hyperledger Fabric, the platform aims to tackle job ghosting effectively.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several features that empower companies and recruiters:

  • Report Candidate Ghosting: Employers can report incidents of job ghosting, helping create a transparent and collaborative ecosystem.
  • Find Candidates Trust Score: The platform assesses candidates’ trustworthiness by analyzing their historical participation in the hiring process, reducing the risk of ghosting.
  • View Candidate History on Blockchain: Employers and recruiters can access a candidate’s complete history on the blockchain, including their past interactions, interview feedback, and job acceptances, building confidence and trust.

The Utility of the Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform provides a holistic solution to combat job ghosting and mitigate the losses incurred. By leveraging the security and transparency of blockchain technology, it creates a trusted environment for employers and candidates.

Employers can save valuable time, energy, and financial resources by avoiding unreliable candidates, resulting in a more efficient hiring process. Candidates, on the other hand, benefit from increased trust, better communication, and improved overall experience.

To experience the benefits of the Offer Ghosting Platform, sign up for a free trial today and gain access to the features that will transform your hiring process.

The Art of Good Ghosting: How to End a Relationship with Grace

The Art of Good Ghosting: Ending a Professional Relationship with Grace

The Art of Good Ghosting: Ending a Professional Relationship with Grace

Ghosting, the act of abruptly ending a relationship without any communication or explanation, has become increasingly prevalent in both personal and professional settings. While it may seem like a convenient way to avoid difficult conversations or confrontations, the consequences of ghosting can be detrimental to all parties involved. In professional settings, where maintaining relationships and reputation is crucial, gracefully ending a relationship is of utmost importance.

The Losses of Ghosting in Professional Settings

Ghosting in professional settings can lead to significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money. When a candidate suddenly disappears without notice, it can be frustrating for employers who have invested time and effort in the recruitment process. This sudden disappearance not only wastes the employer’s valuable time but also hampers the progress of important projects or assignments.

Additionally, ghosting creates a negative impact on team morale and productivity. It generates uncertainty and instability within the team, leading to decreased motivation and collaboration. In the long run, this can have detrimental effects on the overall success of the organization.

Furthermore, the financial implications of ghosting cannot be overlooked. Employers invest a significant amount of money in the searching, interviewing, and onboarding of candidates. When a candidate suddenly vanishes, it results in wasted resources and increased costs associated with restarting the hiring process.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

Fortunately, a solution to address the challenges of ghosting in professional settings is provided by the Offer Ghosting Platform. Utilizing the power of blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, this platform offers a comprehensive solution to tackle the issue of ghosting and ensure smoother professional relationship endings.

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the “Report Candidate Ghosting” functionality. Employers can report incidents of ghosting, providing valuable insights to other employers about potential candidates. This helps create transparency and deter candidates from engaging in ghosting behavior.

Another essential feature is the ability to “Find Candidates Trust Score.” By accessing a candidate’s trust score, employers can assess the reliability and dependability of candidates before initiating the hiring process. This feature reduces the risk of encountering ghosting candidates and ensures a more efficient recruitment process.

Furthermore, the platform allows users to “View Candidate History on Blockchain.” This feature provides a holistic view of a candidate’s past interactions with employers, enabling better decision-making when considering their suitability for a position. It fosters trust and accountability in the professional sphere.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a much-needed solution to tackle the challenges of ghosting in professional relationships. By addressing the issues of transparency, trust, and accountability, it streamlines the hiring process and minimizes the losses associated with ghosting.

If you’re tired of wasting time, energy, and money due to ghosting, it’s time to join the Offer Ghosting Platform. Sign up for a free trial today and experience the power of blockchain in ensuring smoother professional relationship endings.

The Haunting Truth: The Alarming Rise of Ghosting in Modern Relationships

The Haunting Truth: The Alarming Rise of Ghosting in Modern Relationships

The Haunting Truth: The Alarming Rise of Ghosting in Modern Relationships

The Challenges in Professional Settings

In today’s digital age, the increasing prevalence of ghosting is not limited to personal relationships; it has also found its way into professional settings. Ghosting, the act of suddenly cutting off all communication without explanation, has become a significant challenge for employers and job seekers alike. *ghosting* can lead to substantial losses in terms of time, energy, and money, affecting productivity and damaging professional reputations.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

Introducing the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution powered by Hyperledger Fabric. This innovative platform tackles the issue of ghosting head-on, providing employers with the tools they need to mitigate its impact and make more informed hiring decisions.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to *report candidate ghosting*. Employers can document instances of ghosting when a candidate abruptly discontinues the hiring process without explanation. By reporting these incidents, employers contribute to a database that helps other organizations identify potential ghosting candidates, saving them from wasting time and resources.

Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform also offers a *trust score* feature, which allows employers to assess a candidate’s reliability and responsiveness. This trust score is calculated based on various factors, including the number of reported ghosting incidents, response times, and overall engagement within the hiring process. Employers can filter candidates based on their trust scores, enabling them to prioritize those with higher levels of professionalism and commitment.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

Furthermore, the Offer Ghosting Platform leverages the power of blockchain technology to ensure transparency and authenticity of candidate history. Employers can access a candidate’s comprehensive profile, including their previous job applications, interviews, and overall performance. This information is securely stored on the blockchain, making it immutable and tamper-proof, providing employers with a holistic view of each candidate.

Minimizing Losses, Maximizing Efficiency

The Offer Ghosting Platform addresses the challenges posed by ghosting, reducing the losses in terms of time, energy, and money for employers and job seekers alike. By reporting ghosting instances, employers save valuable time and resources by avoiding potentially unreliable candidates. The trust score feature enables employers to identify the most dedicated candidates, streamlining the hiring process and increasing overall efficiency. The ability to view a candidate’s history on the blockchain adds an extra layer of credibility and transparency to the hiring process.

With its user-friendly interface and cutting-edge technology, the Offer Ghosting Platform is revolutionizing the way employers approach hiring. It provides a comprehensive solution to the ghosting problem, helping employers make more informed decisions while saving them valuable time and money.

Sign Up for a Free Trial Today

If you are tired of dealing with the negative consequences of ghosting in your professional endeavors, it’s time to take advantage of the Offer Ghosting Platform. Sign up for a free trial today and experience the benefits of this innovative blockchain-based solution.

Ghosting a Job: The New Trend in Career Dissatisfaction

Ghosting a Job: The New Trend in Career Dissatisfaction

Ghosting a Job: The New Trend in Career Dissatisfaction

Ghosting has become a prevalent issue in professional settings, leaving both employers and candidates frustrated and dissatisfied. The act of ghosting involves abruptly cutting off communication, often without explanation, after expressing interest in a job position or during the hiring process. This trend has severe consequences, resulting in losses in terms of time, energy, and money for the affected parties.

Employers invest significant resources in sourcing, interviewing, and assessing candidates. When candidates ghost a job offer, it wastes the employer’s time and energy. The recruitment process involves multiple steps, from reviewing applications to conducting interviews and background checks. Imagine investing weeks in finding the right candidate, only to have them disappear with no explanation. This loss impacts not only the employer’s productivity but also their ability to meet deadlines and deliver results.

Candidates who ghost job offers also face drawbacks. By not communicating their decision, they miss out on potential feedback and professional growth opportunities. Moreover, they burn bridges with potential employers, damaging their reputation in the job market. This can limit their future career prospects and opportunities.

To address this growing issue, the Offer Ghosting Platform presents a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric technology. This platform aims to mitigate the negative effects of ghosting by providing transparency and accountability in the hiring process.

Introducing the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform incorporates several key features designed to combat ghosting and create a reliable recruitment environment:

  • “Report Candidate Ghosting”: This feature allows employers to report instances of candidate ghosting, providing detailed information about the specific incident and candidate. This information is stored securely on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, ensuring the accuracy and transparency of the reported ghosting incidents.
  • “Find Candidates Trust Score”: Employers can access a candidate’s trust score on the platform. This score is calculated based on their previous interactions during the recruitment process and their history of ghosting or responding promptly. It enables employers to make more informed decisions when considering potential candidates and reduces the risk of encountering ghosting in the future.
  • “View Candidate History on Blockchain”: This feature allows employers to view a candidate’s complete history of interactions and job offers on the blockchain. By reviewing this information, employers can gauge a candidate’s reliability and commitment before proceeding with the hiring process.

By incorporating these features, the Offer Ghosting Platform provides a holistic view of candidates, ensuring employers invest their time and resources wisely. It encourages open and transparent communication between employers and candidates, leading to a more efficient and reliable hiring process.

Conclusion: Join Offer Ghosting Platform for a Free Trial

Don’t let ghosting hinder your career growth or business success. The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a robust solution to address the challenges of ghosting in professional settings. Through blockchain technology and the integration of features like “Report Candidate Ghosting,” “Find Candidates Trust Score,” and “View Candidate History on Blockchain,” the platform provides transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the hiring process.

Sign up for a free trial today and experience the benefits of the Offer Ghosting Platform firsthand. Take control of your recruitment process, save time and energy, and make informed hiring decisions. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website to learn more about this innovative solution.

The Rise of Candidate Ghosting: Why Job Seekers are Disappearing in Today’s Competitive Market

The Rise of Candidate Ghosting: Why Job Seekers are Disappearing in Today’s Competitive Market

The Rise of Candidate Ghosting: Why Job Seekers are Disappearing in Today’s Competitive Market

In today’s competitive job market, candidate ghosting has become an increasingly prevalent challenge for recruiters and employers. Ghosting refers to candidates suddenly disappearing from the hiring process without any notice or communication, leaving employers in a state of uncertainty and often causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money. This article explores the impact of candidate ghosting and introduces the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution powered by Hyperledger Fabric.

The Losses Incurred

Ghosting can have detrimental effects on businesses. Employers invest a considerable amount of time and resources in finding and engaging with potential candidates, from conducting interviews to conducting background checks. When candidates disappear, employers are left with substantial losses in terms of wasted time, effort, and financial investments.

Without proper communication, recruitment processes are delayed, and positions remain unfilled for extended periods. This leads to decreased productivity, increased workload for existing employees, and potential revenue losses. The costs involved in sourcing, pre-screening, and interviewing candidates are also wasted when ghosting occurs.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a revolutionary solution that leverages blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, to address the challenges of candidate ghosting.

One of the key features of the platform is the “Report Candidate Ghosting” function. Employers can easily report instances of candidate ghosting, providing details of the specific candidate who disappeared from the hiring process. This information is stored on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and an immutable record of the ghosting incident. This data can be accessed and verified by other potential employers, assisting in the decision-making process.

The platform also offers a unique “Find Candidates Trust Score” feature, which calculates a candidate’s trustworthiness based on their previous interactions and history within the platform. This score provides valuable insights for employers, allowing them to identify candidates who are more likely to follow through with the hiring process and reduce the risks of ghosting.

Another important aspect of the platform is the ability to “View Candidate History on Blockchain.” Employers can access a candidate’s entire hiring history, including past applications, interview outcomes, and feedback from other employers. This comprehensive view enables employers to make more informed decisions and avoid potential ghosting incidents.

The Utility and Significance

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic solution to the challenges posed by candidate ghosting. By relying on blockchain technology, the platform ensures transparency, security, and trust in the hiring process. Employers can make more informed decisions, saving valuable time and resources, while also reducing the risks of ghosting.

If you are an employer looking to mitigate the impact of candidate ghosting on your business, we invite you to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today. Gain access to the groundbreaking features of the platform and experience firsthand how it can transform your recruitment processes.

For more information, visit To register for a free trial, click here.

The Waiting Game: What to Do When You Haven’t Heard Back After Accepting a Job Offer

The Waiting Game: What to Do When You Haven’t Heard Back After Accepting a Job Offer

The Waiting Game: What to Do When You Haven’t Heard Back After Accepting a Job Offer

Accepted a job offer but haven’t received any communication from the employer? We’ve all been there. The waiting game after accepting a job offer can be excruciatingly stressful, leaving professionals in a state of limbo. The lack of response can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. However, thanks to the innovative Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric, there is finally a way to combat the challenges of offer ghosting.

The Undeniable Losses: Time, Energy, and Money

Offer ghosting has real, tangible consequences that affect professionals on multiple levels. First and foremost, it wastes valuable time. Job applicants invest a significant amount of time in the application and interview process. After accepting an offer, they expect the next steps to be communicated promptly. When there is no response, time is wasted, causing frustration and uncertainty.

Offer ghosting also drains energy. The emotional toll of waiting for a response can be detrimental to one’s focus and motivation. Professionals can find themselves questioning their worth and feeling discouraged, which can have a negative impact on other areas of their lives.

Lastly, offer ghosting can have financial implications. Accepting a job offer often involves making arrangements such as resigning from a current position or relocating. When an employer fails to follow through with their end of the deal, it can result in financial losses for the individual.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

With the aim of addressing the challenges of offer ghosting, the Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic solution powered by blockchain technology. By leveraging Hyperledger Fabric, this platform introduces transparency and trust into the job market.

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the “Report Candidate Ghosting” function. Candidates who experience ghosting can report their experiences, providing valuable data to help identify patterns and problematic employers. This information is recorded on the blockchain, making it immutable and transparent.

Another noteworthy feature is the “Find Candidates’ Trust Score” feature. Through the platform, employers can assess a candidate’s trustworthiness based on their previous interactions and experiences. This empowers employers to make informed decisions, reducing the risk of falling victim to unreliable candidates.

Additionally, the Offer Ghosting Platform allows users to “View Candidate History on Blockchain.” This feature enables employers to gain insights into a candidate’s past job offers and interactions, helping them make more informed decisions during the hiring process.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a game-changer for professionals navigating the job market. It provides individuals with peace of mind, knowing that their experiences are documented and their voices are heard. By promoting transparency and trust, the platform creates a fairer landscape for both job seekers and employers.

Ready to take control of your job search and combat offer ghosting? Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and experience the benefits firsthand. Visit to learn more about the platform, and register at to get started!

The Elusive Recruiter: Why Do They Ghost Candidates?

The Elusive Recruiter: Why Do They Ghost Candidates? | Offer Ghosting Platform

The Elusive Recruiter: Why Do They Ghost Candidates?

In professional settings, the phenomenon of ghosting has become increasingly prevalent. Candidates who have invested significant time, energy, and money into the recruitment process are often left hanging without any communication or closure from recruiters or employers. The act of suddenly cutting off all contact with a candidate, known as ghosting, can have detrimental effects on both the job seeker and the hiring process.

Ghosting can result in a waste of valuable time and resources for candidates. Candidates spend hours crafting and customizing their resumes and cover letters, preparing for interviews, and investing emotions in the pursuit of the perfect job. When recruiters suddenly disappear without providing any feedback or updates, candidates are left in a state of uncertainty and frustration. The time and effort spent on the application process are wasted.

Ghosting also leads to a loss of energy and motivation for candidates. The repeated cycle of applying, waiting, and being ignored can be disheartening. Candidates may lose confidence in their abilities and question their worth as potential employees. This loss of motivation not only affects their job search but can also have personal and psychological implications.

Moreover, ghosting has financial implications for candidates. Candidates may have invested money in travel expenses, interview attire, or even professional resume services, only to be ghosted by recruiters. This financial loss adds insult to injury, leaving candidates feeling cheated and discouraged.

To combat the challenges posed by ghosting, the Offer Ghosting Platform has emerged as a revolutionary solution. Leveraging blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, the platform ensures transparency, trust, and accountability in the recruitment process.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One key feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability for candidates to report incidents of ghosting. By providing a platform to document and share experiences, candidates can hold recruiters and employers accountable for their actions. The platform creates a sense of community and alerts other job seekers to potential ghosting risks.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Another valuable feature is the candidate trust score. Leveraging blockchain technology, the platform assigns a trust score to candidates based on their previous interactions and feedback from other users. This score enables recruiters to identify reliable and trustworthy candidates, enhancing the efficiency of the hiring process and reducing the likelihood of ghosting.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

The Offer Ghosting Platform also allows recruiters to view a candidate’s comprehensive history on the blockchain. This feature provides recruiters with a holistic view of a candidate’s job search journey, including their application timeline, interview feedback, and previous offers. By accessing this information, recruiters can make more informed decisions and establish better communication with candidates, reducing the likelihood of ghosting incidents.

The Offer Ghosting Platform serves as a comprehensive solution to the challenges posed by ghosting in professional settings. By offering features such as reporting ghosting incidents, providing trust scores, and enabling access to candidate history on the blockchain, the platform promotes fairness, transparency, and professionalism in the hiring process.

Ready to put an end to the frustration of candidate ghosting? Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and experience a new era of trust and efficiency in the recruitment process. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform to learn more, or directly proceed to the registration page to get started.

3 Clear Signs You’re Being Ghosted in a Relationship

3 Clear Signs You’re Being Ghosted in a Relationship

3 Clear Signs You’re Being Ghosted in a Relationship

In professional settings, being ghosted can be incredibly frustrating and detrimental to both individuals and businesses. Ghosting refers to the act of cutting off all communication without any explanation or warning. It can be particularly challenging when it occurs during the recruitment process or when hiring for crucial positions.

The Cost of Ghosting in Professional Relationships

Ghosting in professional settings has serious consequences, resulting in wasted time, energy, and money. When a candidate suddenly stops responding to emails or calls, employers are left hanging, wasting time waiting for a response that never comes. This time could have been spent focusing on other aspects of the business.

Energy is also drained when going through the recruitment process. Positive energy is expended in scheduling interviews, reviewing resumes, and conducting background checks. When a candidate ghost’s, that energy and effort are wasted, leaving employers feeling deflated and demotivated.

Furthermore, ghosting in professional relationships can have financial implications. Companies invest resources into finding the right candidate – from advertising the position to conducting interviews. When a candidate suddenly disappears, businesses are left with an empty position, resulting in missed opportunities and potential financial setbacks.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Solution Built on Hyperledger Fabric

Fortunately, the Offer Ghosting Platform is here to tackle these challenges head-on. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, this platform provides a secure and transparent solution for both employers and job seekers.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One key feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to report instances of candidate ghosting. Employers can provide details about the candidate who has gone silent, along with the job position and stage in the hiring process when ghosting occurred. This data is stored securely on the blockchain, creating a record that can be accessed and verified by other potential employers.

Find Candidates Trust Score

An important aspect of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the Candidates Trust Score. This score is calculated based on various factors such as responsiveness, reliability, and communication skills. Employers can refer to this score when considering candidates, ensuring that they are aware of any potential risks before moving forward with the hiring process. This valuable information helps mitigate the risk of ghosting and allows businesses to make more informed decisions.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

Another feature of the platform is the ability to view a candidate’s history on the blockchain. This includes their previous employment, feedback from previous employers, and any instances of ghosting reported by other companies. By providing this information, the platform helps employers gain a holistic view of a candidate’s reliability and professionalism.

In conclusion, ghosting in professional relationships can have significant negative impacts on businesses and individuals. The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a robust solution built on blockchain technology, providing transparency, trust, and security to the hiring process.

Don’t waste any more time, energy, or money on unreliable candidates. Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and experience the benefits firsthand.

Click here to visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website, and here to register for a free trial.