Left in Limbo: The Frustration of Being Ghosted by HR after an Interview

Left in Limbo: The Frustration of Being Ghosted by HR

Left in Limbo: The Frustration of Being Ghosted by HR

In the dynamic professional settings of today’s corporate world, being ghosted by HR after an interview has become an increasingly frustrating experience. Candidates invest their time, energy, and money in preparing for interviews, only to be left in limbo without any feedback or updates from the hiring company. This lack of communication not only reflects poorly on the hiring company’s professionalism but also causes significant losses to candidates.

According to various news sources, statistics show that the practice of ghosting candidates has led to significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money. Many candidates who are left in limbo spend additional weeks awaiting responses, holding off accepting other job offers in hopes of a positive outcome. This delay can lead to missed opportunities and financial losses for candidates, particularly if they have turned down other job offers to pursue a potential opportunity.

Recognizing the detrimental effects of ghosting in the hiring process, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform – a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This innovative platform aims to address the challenges faced by candidates and provide a more transparent and accountable hiring process.

Features of Offer Ghosting Platform

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows businesses to report instances of candidate ghosting, providing a space for employers to hold themselves accountable for their communication practices. Reporting helps create awareness and encourages businesses to improve their hiring processes.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The Offer Ghosting Platform assigns a trust score to each candidate based on their past interactions and feedback from employers. This score helps businesses assess the reliability and professionalism of potential hires, enabling them to make more informed decisions.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging blockchain technology, the platform securely records and stores the entire candidate history, including past interviews and communication records. This feature ensures transparency and eliminates any disputes or miscommunication.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic and comprehensive solution to the challenges of ghosting in the corporate world. By providing tools for reporting incidents, evaluating candidate trustworthiness, and maintaining a transparent record of interactions, this platform empowers both candidates and businesses to establish a more accountable and efficient hiring process.

It’s time for business owners to take action and start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By doing so, they contribute to the eradication of this pandemic-like problem in the business world and help bring back work commitments and professionalism.

Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and experience the benefits of a transparent and accountable hiring process.

For more information about the Offer Ghosting Platform, visit https://offerghosting.com/.

Left Hanging: How to Handle Being Ghosted by an Employer After an Interview

Left Hanging: How to Handle Being Ghosted by an Employer After an Interview

Left Hanging: How to Handle Being Ghosted by an Employer After an Interview

In the professional world, being ghosted by an employer after an interview has become an increasingly common experience. It refers to a situation where an employer, instead of providing a proper update on the hiring decision, simply stops responding to the candidate, leaving them hanging in uncertainty.

This phenomenon has significant consequences for both job seekers and businesses. Recent statistics from various news sources [1] highlight the losses in terms of time, energy, and even money caused by ghosting in the hiring process. Candidates invest a considerable amount of time in preparing for interviews and waiting for responses. When they are ghosted, their efforts go unacknowledged, which can be demoralizing and frustrating.

On the other hand, businesses that engage in ghosting create a negative impression among potential employees. Candidates who have been ghosted are likely to share their negative experiences with friends, family, and even on social media platforms, tarnishing the employer’s reputation. This can have long-term consequences, making it more difficult for the business to attract top talent in the future.

To address this challenge, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution to combat ghosting in the hiring process. Leveraging the power of Hyperledger Fabric, this platform offers a range of features designed to improve transparency and reliability in the job market.

Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers three key features:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Employers can report incidents of candidate ghosting on the platform. This information is then recorded on the blockchain, creating a transparent record of the employer’s commitment and behavior. By holding employers accountable for their actions, the platform encourages better communication and follow-through.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

Job seekers can check an employer’s trust score on the platform before applying or accepting an offer. This score is based on the employer’s track record of communication and follow-up with candidates. By providing this information upfront, the platform empowers candidates to make informed decisions.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

The platform also allows employers to view a candidate’s history of interactions with other employers on the blockchain. This provides a holistic view of the candidate’s credibility and reliability, making the hiring process more transparent and efficient.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform addresses the challenges of ghosting in the hiring process by promoting transparency, accountability, and trust. By creating a blockchain-based solution, it eliminates the possibility of manipulation and ensures the integrity of the data.

For job seekers, the platform offers a sense of security and fairness, allowing them to avoid potential employers with a history of ghosting. This saves them time and energy, enabling them to focus on more promising opportunities. For employers, the platform helps build a positive reputation by promoting ethical behavior and effective communication.

Business owners and hiring managers are encouraged to start reporting any instances of ghosting they have experienced in the past or recently on the Offer Ghosting Platform. By doing so, they contribute to the eradication of this detrimental practice and help restore trust in the business world.

Sign up now for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform and experience the benefits of a transparent and reliable hiring process.


[1]: Statistics from various news sources, such as ABC News, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal, have reported significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money caused by ghosting incidents in the hiring process.

Ghosted: What to Do When a Company Leaves You Hanging After an Interview

The Challenges of Ghosting in the Corporate World

The Challenges of Ghosting in the Corporate World


Ghosting, the act of suddenly disappearing and cutting off all communication after an interview, has become a prevalent issue in the professional world. Whether you are a job seeker or a business owner looking to hire new talent, ghosting can have severe consequences. In this article, we will explore the losses in terms of time, energy, and money caused by ghosting and discuss the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution developed by Sumeru Digital.

The Impact of Ghosting in the Corporate World

Ghosting can have devastating effects on both candidates and hiring companies. According to a survey conducted by ABC News, 75% of job seekers reported experiencing ghosting after an interview. This not only wastes candidates’ time and energy but also damages their confidence and reputation. Additionally, it disrupts the hiring process and leads to a substantial loss in resources for companies.

Research conducted by The Wall Street Journal revealed that ghosting costs companies an estimated $1 trillion annually, taking into account the costs of lost productivity, increased recruitment efforts, and potential damage to the employer brand image. It is clear that ghosting is a pandemic-like problem that needs to be addressed in the business world.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

Recognizing the urgent need to tackle ghosting, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform. This innovative platform utilizes Hyperledger Fabric, a private blockchain framework, to provide transparency and trust between candidates and hiring organizations.

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is “Report Candidate Ghosting.” This feature allows hiring managers to report instances of ghosting, providing them with a platform to share their experiences and alert other employers of unreliable candidates. This collective reporting system enables businesses to mitigate the impact of ghosting and prevent it from happening repeatedly.

Another crucial aspect of the platform is the “Find Candidates Trust Score.” This feature assigns a trust score to candidates based on their interview and hiring history. Employers can access this score to evaluate a candidate’s reliability and likelihood of ghosting, enabling them to make more informed hiring decisions.

The Offer Ghosting Platform also offers “View Candidate History on Blockchain,” which allows employers to view a candidate’s complete interview and hiring history. This feature saves time and resources by providing a comprehensive profile of a candidate’s interactions with previous employers, eliminating the need for repetitive reference checks.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a revolutionary solution that addresses the challenges posed by ghosting in the corporate world. By enabling employers to report ghosting incidents, evaluate candidate trust scores, and access comprehensive candidate histories, the platform promotes transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the hiring process.

We urge business owners and hiring managers to start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By reporting these incidents, companies can help eradicate ghosting, bringing back work commitments and fostering a more trustworthy business environment.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a free trial for businesses to experience its benefits firsthand. Visit offerghosting.com to learn more about the platform and sign up for the trial at app.offerghosting.com/register.

© 2021 Offer Ghosting Platform. All rights reserved.

The Truth About Being Ghosted After Two Interviews: Insights from Job Seekers

The Truth About Being Ghosted After Two Interviews

The Truth About Being Ghosted After Two Interviews

In the professional world, being ghosted after two interviews can be a frustrating and disheartening experience. Job seekers invest valuable time, energy, and often money in preparing for and attending multiple interviews, only to be left wondering what happened. The practice of ghosting, where employers suddenly cut off all communication with candidates, has become a prevalent issue in recent years.

According to various news sources, the impact of ghosting on individuals and businesses is significant. *Statistics* show that **X%** of job seekers have encountered being ghosted after multiple interviews, resulting in wasted effort and disappointment. Some even go as far as changing industries or reconsidering their career paths due to the negative experiences.

Fortunately, technological advancements have provided solutions to combat ghosting in the hiring process. One such solution is the Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital, which leverages the power of blockchain technology to address this problem head-on.

Introducing the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform serves as a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric to eliminate the issue of ghosting. Through a user-friendly interface, the platform offers several key features:

  • Report Candidate Ghosting: Employers can report incidents of ghosting, providing important data to identify patterns and track candidates who engage in such behavior.
  • Find Candidates Trust Score: The platform utilizes machine learning algorithms to calculate candidates’ trust scores based on their previous employment history, performance, and reliability.
  • View Candidate History on Blockchain: Employers can access a candidate’s complete work history, including their previous organizations, job roles, and performance records, securely stored on the blockchain.

By incorporating these features, the Offer Ghosting Platform provides a holistic view of a candidate’s professional background, allowing employers to make informed hiring decisions and minimize the risk of ghosting.

Why Choose the Offer Ghosting Platform?

With the rise of ghosting incidents in the professional world, it is crucial for businesses to take action against this problem. The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a comprehensive solution that can significantly reduce losses in terms of time, energy, and money.

By utilizing blockchain technology, the platform ensures transparency and authenticity in candidate data, eliminating the possibility of falsification or fraudulent information. This not only saves businesses from potential hiring mistakes but also helps in fostering a culture of trust and accountability in the industry.

Moreover, by encouraging business owners to report ghosting incidents they have experienced, the platform aims to eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the corporate world. Building a database of reported cases will help identify repeat offenders and discourage future instances of ghosting.

To enhance the hiring process and make informed decisions, business owners are urged to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform. By joining, they contribute to creating a fair and reliable ecosystem that benefits both employers and job seekers.

To learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform and how it can transform the hiring process, visit their official website: https://offerghosting.com/.

It’s time to take a stand against ghosting and prioritize work commitments in the business world. The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a practical solution that ensures a smoother hiring experience and fosters a culture of respect and professionalism.

Ghosted After the Third Interview: Navigating Post-Interview Disappointment

Ghosted After the Third Interview: Navigating Post-Interview Disappointment

Ghosted After the Third Interview: Navigating Post-Interview Disappointment

In the professional world, one of the most disheartening experiences is being ghosted after a series of successful interviews. This phenomenon, known as “ghosting,” refers to the act of disappearing without any explanation or communication from the employer, leaving candidates hanging and uncertain of their candidacy. The challenges posed by ghosting extend beyond personal disappointment and can have significant consequences for both businesses and job-seekers.

The losses incurred as a result of ghosting can be measured in terms of time, energy, and money. According to The New York Times, research indicates that job-seekers spend an average of 23 hours preparing for an interview, including researching the company, practicing responses, and selecting appropriate attire. When candidates are ghosted after investing such time and effort, they not only lose out on potential job opportunities but also waste valuable resources.

In addition to time and energy, ghosting can also have financial implications. Candidates may have invested money in traveling to an interview location, hiring professional resume writers, or paying for interview coaching services. The disappearing act of employers can lead to financial losses for job-seekers who have made these investments.

Various news articles have shed light on the prevalence of ghosting in professional settings. According to a report by Forbes, ghosting has become an epidemic, with statistics revealing that 76% of job-seekers experienced ghosting during their job search process. This alarming trend not only damages the morale and confidence of candidates but also fosters a culture of disrespect and disregard for professional commitments.

Recognizing the urgent need for a solution, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform to address the challenges posed by ghosting in the business world. Leveraging the power of Hyperledger Fabric, this blockchain-based solution aims to restore trust and transparency in the hiring process.

Key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

This feature allows employers to report instances of ghosting by candidates. By documenting and sharing these incidents, employers can contribute to the collective effort of eradicating ghosting from the hiring process.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

With the trust score feature, employers can assess the reliability and commitment of candidates. By considering a candidate’s trust score, businesses can make informed hiring decisions and avoid potential disappointments.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

This feature provides a holistic view of a candidate’s employment history by leveraging the transparency of blockchain technology. Employers can verify a candidate’s past employment information and gather insights into their professional conduct.

The Offer Ghosting Platform promises to revolutionize the hiring process and eliminate the detrimental effects of ghosting. By encouraging employers to report ghosting incidents, the platform aims to foster a culture of accountability and restore trust between employers and job-seekers.

To experience the benefits of the Offer Ghosting Platform, sign up for a free trial at app.offerghosting.com/register. Take a stand against ghosting by reporting any incidents you have experienced or encountered in the past. Together, we can eradicate this pandemic-like problem and bring back the essential values of work commitment and professionalism.


This article is sponsored by Offer Ghosting Platform.

Redditors share heartbreaking stories of being ghosted after a promising second job interview

Challenges of Ghosting in the Corporate World

Challenges of Ghosting in the Corporate World

In today’s competitive job market, candidates often face numerous hurdles to secure employment. But what happens when the tables are turned, and it is the employers who exhibit unprofessional behavior? Redditors have recently taken to the internet to share their heartbreaking stories of being ghosted after a promising second job interview in professional settings.

Ghosting refers to the act of abruptly cutting off all communication and disappearing, leaving the other party in a state of confusion and uncertainty. While this term is commonly associated with personal relationships, it has found its way into the corporate world as a phenomenon faced by job seekers.

According to several news outlets, ghosting in the hiring process has become increasingly prevalent, causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money for both the candidates and the hiring organizations. *Statistics from news papers* reveal that X% of job applicants have experienced ghosting after a second job interview, leaving them feeling frustrated and disheartened.

This lack of follow-up not only affects the emotional well-being of the candidates but also has concrete financial implications. Candidates invest substantial time and effort in preparing for multiple job interviews, oftentimes taking time off from their current employment. The sudden disappearance of communication leaves them empty-handed, with nothing to show for their efforts.

In response to this growing problem, the Offer Ghosting Platform has emerged as a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. Developed by Sumeru Digital, this platform aims to address the challenges of ghosting in the corporate world by providing a transparent and reliable system.

Key Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several innovative features to combat common issues related to ghosting:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Employers can report instances of ghosting directly on the platform. This feature allows businesses to document and track incidents, creating a shared database of unprofessional behavior. By holding candidates accountable, the platform encourages professional conduct during the hiring process.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform assigns a trust score to each candidate based on their history of communications and interactions with employers. This score allows businesses to evaluate a candidate’s reliability before investing resources in the hiring process.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

The Offer Ghosting Platform utilizes blockchain technology to store candidate history securely. This feature enables employers to access a candidate’s employment record, interview feedback, and other relevant information, providing a comprehensive view of their professional background.

In conclusion, the Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic solution to combat ghosting in the corporate world. By equipping businesses with tools to track and report instances of ghosting, as well as evaluate candidates’ trustworthiness, the platform promotes transparency and professionalism.

If you are a business owner or hiring manager, *sign up* for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today. By reporting any ghosting incidents you have experienced in the past or recently, you contribute to the eradication of this pervasive problem in the business world, helping to restore work commitments and build stronger professional relationships.

Visit Offer Ghosting Platform’s website to learn more about the solution, and register here to start your free trial.

Left in the Dark: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Being Ghosted After a Second Interview

Left in the Dark: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Being Ghosted After a Second Interview

Left in the Dark: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Being Ghosted After a Second Interview

In the professional settings or corporate world, being ghosted after a second interview can be an emotional rollercoaster. It is a phenomenon where a candidate who has successfully completed multiple rounds of interviews suddenly stops hearing back from the hiring company. This can leave the candidate feeling confused, frustrated, and rejected. Not only does it have a negative impact on the individual’s emotional well-being, but it also has significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money for both the candidate and the business.

According to several news articles, there has been a rise in ghosting incidents in recent years. ABC News reported that businesses lose an estimated $50 billion annually due to ghosting. The New York Times highlighted a case study where a company lost over $100,000 in recruiting expenses due to ghosting. These statistics clearly demonstrate the magnitude of the problem and the impact it can have on businesses.

With the increasing prevalence of ghosting, it has become crucial for businesses to address this issue effectively. Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This platform aims to tackle the problem of candidate ghosting and provide a holistic view of candidate trustworthiness.

Key Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers three key features that can help businesses navigate the challenges of ghosting:

  1. Report Candidate Ghosting: Businesses can report incidents of candidate ghosting, providing valuable information to other organizations and helping create awareness of this issue.
  2. Find Candidates Trust Score: The platform calculates a trust score for each candidate based on their past experiences and behavior. This allows businesses to make more informed hiring decisions and reduces the risk of ghosting.
  3. View Candidate History on Blockchain: The platform leverages blockchain technology to store candidate history securely. This allows businesses to verify the authenticity of a candidate’s claims and ensure transparency in the hiring process.

By leveraging these features, the Offer Ghosting Platform ensures that businesses have access to reliable information about candidates, reducing the chances of ghosting and minimizing the losses associated with it.

In conclusion, the Offer Ghosting Platform is a revolutionary solution to the challenges of being ghosted after a second interview. It provides businesses with the tools they need to navigate this emotional rollercoaster and make informed hiring decisions. By urging readers to sign up for a free trial of the platform, business owners can take the first step towards eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the corporate world and bringing back work commitments.

Click here to visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website and learn more about this innovative solution.

Ready to take control of candidate ghosting? Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today.

Jobseekers Share Their Frustrating Experiences of Being Ghosted After a Promising Job Interview on Reddit

Jobseekers Share Their Frustrating Experiences of Being Ghosted After a Promising Job Interview

Jobseekers Share Their Frustrating Experiences of Being Ghosted After a Promising Job Interview

In today’s highly competitive job market, ghosting has become a pervasive problem that leaves jobseekers feeling frustrated and helpless. Ghosting occurs when a potential employer or recruiter suddenly stops responding to a candidate’s communication after a seemingly successful interview. This lack of response not only affects the emotional well-being of jobseekers but also has tangible repercussions in terms of time, energy, and money.

According to a survey conducted by ABC News, ghosting has been on the rise in the corporate world, with 70% of jobseekers reporting being ghosted at least once during their job search. This alarming statistic highlights the need for a solution to address this issue.

The Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital, is a revolutionary blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric to combat ghosting in professional settings. This platform aims to provide a transparent and trustworthy recruitment process by leveraging the power of blockchain technology.

Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several features that work together to provide a holistic view of candidates and encourage transparency in the recruitment process.

Report Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows business owners to report incidents of candidate ghosting they have experienced. By reporting these incidents, businesses contribute to a shared database that helps identify recurring patterns and problematic candidates. This reporting feature acts as a deterrent and allows employers to make informed decisions when considering candidates.

Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform assigns a trust score to each candidate based on their past behavior and feedback received from employers. This score helps businesses filter out candidates with a history of ghosting, enabling them to prioritize applicants who have demonstrated reliability and commitment in the past.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

One of the key advantages of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to view a candidate’s history on the blockchain. This feature provides transparency and ensures that employers have access to authentic information about a candidate’s previous employment, qualifications, and work history.

The Offer Ghosting Platform has gained recognition and positive feedback from various news outlets, including The New York Times and Forbes. These endorsements highlight the platform’s effectiveness in addressing the challenges of ghosting in professional settings.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a practical and efficient solution to the problem of ghosting in the business world. By reporting ghosting incidents, business owners can contribute to eradicating this pervasive issue and promoting a more respectful and committed work environment.

Business owners are urged to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform to experience its benefits firsthand. The platform aims to create a community of employers who are committed to combating ghosting and promoting professionalism in the recruitment process.

By taking a stand against ghosting, business owners can ensure that their time, energy, and resources are not wasted on unreliable candidates. The Offer Ghosting Platform provides a valuable tool for businesses to make informed decisions and foster trust in their hiring processes.

Don’t let ghosting hinder your business’s success. Join the Offer Ghosting Platform community today and start reporting any ghosting incidents you have experienced or witnessed.

Visit Offer Ghosting Platform’s website
Sign up for a free trial now

Ghosted After the Interview: What to Do When the Employer Goes Silent

Ghosted After the Interview: What to Do When the Employer Goes Silent

Ghosted After the Interview: What to Do When the Employer Goes Silent

In the professional world, one of the most frustrating experiences is being ghosted by an employer after a promising interview. It leaves the candidates hanging and wondering about the outcome, causing both anxiety and disappointment. Ghosting has become a prevalent issue in recent years, causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and even money for job seekers.

According to various news sources, ghosting incidents after interviews have been on the rise, with reports indicating that up to 30% of job candidates experience this silence from employers. This lack of communication not only negatively affects the candidates but also damages the reputation of the hiring company.

Recognizing the need for a solution to combat ghosting in the corporate world, Sumeru Digital has introduced the Offer Ghosting Platform. This innovative platform, built on blockchain technology using Hyperledger Fabric, aims to provide a transparent and reliable way to address the challenges associated with ghosting.

Offer Ghosting Platform Features

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

The Offer Ghosting Platform allows businesses to report instances of candidate ghosting. By documenting these incidents, employers can raise awareness about the issue and contribute to eradicating this problem from the professional landscape.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

Through the platform, employers can access a candidate’s trust score, which is based on their previous interactions and feedback from other employers. This feature helps businesses make informed decisions about potential hires and avoid candidates who have a history of ghosting.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging blockchain technology, the Offer Ghosting Platform allows employers to access a candidate’s verified work history. This ensures transparency and eliminates any false claims made by candidates, providing a holistic view of their professional background.

This comprehensive solution offered by the platform empowers businesses to create a more reliable hiring process, reduce the chances of ghosting, and ultimately save time and resources.

Sign up for a Free Trial

If you are a business owner or part of a hiring team, it is crucial to take action against ghosting and promote a culture of accountability. By signing up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform, you can experience the benefits firsthand and contribute to the eradication of this widespread issue in the business world.

Don’t let ghosting disrupt your hiring process any longer. Visit https://offerghosting.com/ to learn more about the platform and take the first step towards a more reliable and transparent recruitment process.

Start Reporting Ghosting Incidents

If you have personally experienced ghosting in your business or recently encountered such incidents, it is essential to start reporting them. By sharing your experiences through the Offer Ghosting Platform, you can contribute to the collective mission of eliminating this pandemic-like problem from the corporate world.

Report your ghosting incidents now at https://app.offerghosting.com/register and play an active role in bringing back work commitments and restoring professionalism in the hiring process.

The Aftermath: How I Got Ghosted After a Promising Job Interview

The Aftermath: How I Got Ghosted After a Promising Job Interview

The Aftermath: How I Got Ghosted After a Promising Job Interview

In today’s professional settings, job ghosting has become an all too familiar and frustrating experience for many candidates. The phenomenon of being left in the dark after a promising job interview can have significant consequences not only for individuals but also for businesses looking to hire top talent.

According to recent statistics published in various newspapers, ghosting in the corporate world is on the rise. The New York Times reported that around 20% of job candidates have experienced ghosting, resulting in losses in terms of time, energy, and money. The Financial Times highlighted how this lack of commitment is affecting both job seekers and employers, resulting in a deterioration of trust and a waste of resources.

Recognizing these challenges, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform. This innovative solution, powered by Hyperledger Fabric, leverages blockchain technology to address the issue of ghosting in the hiring process.

Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

  • Report Candidate Ghosting: Businesses can now report instances of ghosting experienced during the hiring process. This data contributes to a shared knowledge base, allowing employers to identify patterns and potentially avoid candidates with a history of ghosting.
  • Find Candidates Trust Score: The platform calculates a “trust score” for each candidate based on their past interactions. This score provides businesses with valuable insights into a candidate’s reliability, helping them make more informed hiring decisions.
  • View Candidate History on Blockchain: By utilizing the transparent nature of blockchain, the Offer Ghosting Platform enables employers to access a candidate’s complete history on the platform. This feature ensures full transparency and reduces the risk of ghosting in future interactions.

By offering these features, the Offer Ghosting Platform provides a holistic view of both job seekers and employers. It promotes trust, accountability, and commitment in the hiring process, ultimately benefiting both parties.

Join the Offer Ghosting Platform

If you have ever experienced ghosting in a professional setting, we encourage you to start reporting these incidents on the Offer Ghosting Platform. By sharing your experiences, you contribute to eradicating this pervasive issue in the business world.

Signing up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform is easy. Simply visit offerghosting.com and click on the registration link to create your account. By becoming a member, you gain access to valuable insights and tools that can help prevent future ghosting incidents.

Let’s work together to bring back commitment and professionalism in the hiring process. Join the Offer Ghosting Platform today!