Ghosted: Spotting the Telltale Signs of Disappearing Dates

Ghosted: Spotting the Telltale Signs of Disappearing Dates in the Corporate World

Ghosted: Spotting the Telltale Signs of Disappearing Dates in the Corporate World

In today’s fast-paced business world, one of the most frustrating challenges employers face is “ghosting” – when candidates or current employees abruptly disappear without any communication or explanation. This phenomenon not only wastes valuable time and energy, but also costs businesses significant amounts of money.

According to statistics reported in various newspapers, ghosting has become a prevalent issue in the professional settings. In fact, a study conducted by XYZ News indicated that 50% of businesses have experienced ghosting incidents in the past year alone, resulting in substantial losses. These losses are primarily attributed to the time and resources spent on recruiting and training new employees to replace those who ghosted.

To address this rising problem, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a revolutionary blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This platform offers a comprehensive set of features designed to combat ghosting and provide employers with valuable insights.

Key Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform provides three key features that empower employers to tackle ghosting effectively:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting:

Employers can now report any instances of ghosting they have experienced, allowing the platform to gather crucial data and build a comprehensive database of ghosting incidents. By reporting such incidents, businesses contribute to the eradication of this pandemic-like problem in the corporate world.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score:

The platform utilizes innovative algorithms and data analysis techniques to assign a “trust score” to each candidate. This score reflects the reliability and commitment level of the candidate based on their past interactions and behavior in the job market. With this feature, employers can identify potential risks of ghosting before making hiring decisions.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain:

Unlike traditional resume and background checks, the Offer Ghosting Platform securely stores candidate history on the blockchain. This provides a transparent and immutable record of the candidate’s employment track record, eliminating any chances of fraudulent claims or credential discrepancies.

By incorporating these features, the Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic view of each candidate’s reliability and commitment. It equips employers with the necessary tools to make informed hiring decisions and minimizes the risks associated with ghosting.

Business owners are encouraged to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform and start reporting any previous or recent incidents of ghosting they have encountered. By doing so, they contribute to a collective effort in eradicating this problem in the business world. Together, we can restore work commitments and rebuild trust among professionals.

Don’t let your business fall victim to ghosting. Take control of your hiring process and ensure a commitment-focused workforce. Sign up for the free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website to learn more and access the registration URL here.

Promising News: Recruiter Confirms Offer Is on the Way!

Promising News: Recruiter Confirms Offer Is on the Way!

Promising News: Recruiter Confirms Offer Is on the Way!

In today’s professional settings, the challenges of hiring employees have reached a new level. *Ghosting*, a phenomenon where candidates suddenly cut off contact during the hiring process, has become a significant concern for businesses. The losses incurred in terms of time, energy, and money are detrimental. According to various statistics published in newspapers, ghosting has become an epidemic in the corporate world, causing significant disruptions to the hiring process.

The Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital, aims to address this issue using the power of blockchain technology. Built on Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source framework for developing blockchain-based applications, the platform offers a transparent and trustworthy solution for tackling ghosting.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to report incidents of candidate ghosting. This feature allows businesses to log instances where a candidate has abruptly stopped responding or failed to show up for interviews. By reporting these incidents, businesses can contribute to a growing database that tracks and identifies potential ghosting candidates, reducing the risk for other employers.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Another essential feature of the platform is the “Find Candidates Trust Score.” This score is calculated based on various factors, including the candidate’s previous employment history, feedback from previous employers, and their overall reliability. By having access to this trust score, businesses can make informed decisions when selecting candidates for interviews, reducing the risk of encountering ghosting incidents.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

With the Offer Ghosting Platform, businesses can now gain a holistic view of a candidate’s history through blockchain technology. By securely storing candidate information on the blockchain, employers can verify their credentials, work experience, and employment gaps in a tamper-proof manner. This ensures transparency and helps in building trust between employers and candidates.

The utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform cannot be overstated. It provides businesses with a much-needed solution to combat ghosting and its detrimental effects. By signing up for a free trial, businesses can experience firsthand how the platform can help streamline their hiring process and avoid the losses associated with ghosting.

Business owners are urged to start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By collectively addressing this pandemic-like problem in the business world, we can bring back work commitments and restore trust in the hiring process.

Don’t hesitate, take action now! Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website to learn more about the solution and its features. To sign up for a free trial, visit

The Haunting Phenomenon of Recruiter Ghosts: Are Employers Being Too Elusive?

The Haunting Phenomenon of Recruiter Ghosts: Are Employers Being Too Elusive?

The Haunting Phenomenon of Recruiter Ghosts: Are Employers Being Too Elusive?

In the professional settings of the corporate world, a peculiar phenomenon has been on the rise – recruiter ghosts. These ghosts, also known as candidate ghosts, are individuals who suddenly disappear during the hiring process, leaving employers and businesses puzzled and frustrated.

This trend, commonly referred to as ghosting, has become a significant challenge for companies across various industries. According to various news reports, businesses are experiencing substantial losses in terms of time, energy, and money due to ghosting.

Statistics from renowned newspapers indicate that over 50% of job applicants have ghosted employers, resulting in wasted resources and disrupted workflows. Employers invest significant time and effort into screening and interviewing candidates, only to have them vanish without any explanation.

This alarming situation calls for a practical solution – one that brings transparency and accountability to the hiring process. This is where the Offer Ghosting Platform comes into play.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

The Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital, utilizes the power of blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, to combat the ghosting phenomenon.

With features like “Report Candidate Ghosting,” “Find Candidates Trust Score,” and “View Candidate History on Blockchain,” the platform offers a holistic view of the hiring process. This transparent system allows businesses to identify candidates with a history of ghosting, ensuring they make informed decisions during the hiring process.

By logging instances of ghosting on the blockchain, businesses and recruiters can create a comprehensive database of candidates’ behavior. This data helps in assessing candidates’ reliability and work ethic, providing valuable insights before extending an offer.

Benefits of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several essential benefits for businesses:

  1. Report Candidate Ghosting: Employers can easily report instances of ghosting, creating a shared pool of information. This database helps businesses avoid unreliable candidates and saves valuable time and resources.
  2. Find Candidates Trust Score: The platform assigns a trust score to candidates based on their past interactions. This score enables businesses to identify reliable and committed candidates more effectively, reducing the risk of ghosting.
  3. View Candidate History on Blockchain: Employers can access a candidate’s complete history of interactions and previous job offers. This transparent view fosters transparency and helps businesses make informed hiring decisions.

The Offer Ghosting Platform addresses the urgent need for accountability and trust in the hiring process. Its blockchain-based solution ensures that employers no longer have to deal with the frustrations and losses caused by ghosting.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Hiring Process

The Offer Ghosting Platform is crucial for businesses who want to eradicate the ghosting pandemic from their hiring processes. By signing up for a free trial of the platform, business owners can actively contribute to resolving this significant problem and bringing back work commitments.

It is time for employers to take control and report any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By actively participating in this initiative, businesses can create a safer and more reliable environment in the business world.

To sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform, visit and join the movement to transform the hiring process.

Unveiling the Mystery: True Stories of Interview Ghost Encounters

Unveiling the Mystery: True Stories of Interview Ghost Encounters

Unveiling the Mystery: True Stories of Interview Ghost Encounters

In the professional world, ghosting has become a prevalent issue, causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money. Several news sources have reported the impact of ghosting on businesses, highlighting the need for a solution. Introducing the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution developed by Sumeru Digital.

Ghosting, the act of abruptly cutting off communication or disappearing without notice, has plagued the corporate world. According to recent statistics published in numerous newspapers, such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, ghosting has resulted in a staggering 50% increase in recruitment costs for businesses. Additionally, it has caused delays in project timelines and strained existing employees who have to pick up the workload left behind by ghosted candidates.

The Offer Ghosting Platform serves as a revolutionary solution using Hyperledger Fabric, a powerful blockchain technology. With features such as “Report Candidate Ghosting,” “Find Candidates Trust Score,” and “View Candidate History on Blockchain,” the platform provides a holistic view of candidates’ behavior and commitment levels.

Report Candidate Ghosting

Business owners can now report instances of candidate ghosting directly on the Offer Ghosting Platform. By submitting detailed information about the incident, including the date, candidate details, and the position they were being considered for, the platform builds a database of ghosting incidents. This collective information helps identify patterns and trends, enabling businesses to proactively mitigate the risks associated with ghosting.

Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform assigns a trust score to each candidate based on their previous interactions and history. This score provides valuable insight into the reliability and commitment of candidates. Employers can make informed decisions by considering a candidate’s trust score, reducing the chances of hiring someone likely to ghost later.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

The Offer Ghosting Platform records all candidate history on the blockchain, creating an immutable and transparent record of their behavior. Employers can access this information to verify a candidate’s credentials, employment history, and previous interactions with other companies. This feature enhances trust and confidence in the hiring process.

The Offer Ghosting Platform is an essential tool for businesses looking to address the ghosting epidemic. By signing up for a free trial today, business owners can experience the benefits firsthand and contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world.

Don’t let ghosting impact your business any longer. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform to learn more about how it can help you regain control over the hiring process and ensure work commitments are honored.

Ready to get started? Sign up for a free trial now and take the first step towards a ghost-free workplace.

Together, let’s eliminate ghosting and bring back strong work commitments in the professional world!

Left on Read: Signs That You’re Being Ghosted

Challenges of Left on Read in Professional Settings

Challenges of Left on Read: Signs That You’re Being Ghosted in Professional Settings

In today’s professional world, ghosting has become a pervasive problem. The act of leaving someone “on read” by not responding to their messages or emails is not only prevalent in personal relationships but also in professional settings. Being ghosted in professional settings can have significant consequences for businesses, employees, and candidates alike.

According to a recent article published in The New York Times, a study conducted by a renowned recruitment agency found that over 70% of candidates admitted to ghosting potential employers. This statistic highlights the magnitude of the problem and its impact on the recruitment process. With such a high rate of candidate ghosting, businesses are left wasting valuable time, energy, and money on unresponsive individuals.

Ghosting in the professional world results in significant losses for businesses. According to The Wall Street Journal, companies can spend an average of $4,000 and 52 days to fill a single position. When candidates ghost, all the time and effort invested in the recruitment process go to waste, creating setbacks for businesses and delaying project timelines.

The Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital, is a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric to address the challenges of ghosting in professional settings. This platform offers features such as “Report Candidate Ghosting,” “Find Candidates Trust Score,” and “View Candidate History on Blockchain.”

With the “Report Candidate Ghosting” feature, businesses can easily report instances of ghosting they have experienced. By sharing this information on the platform, other businesses can be alerted to potential candidates who might ghost in the future, saving valuable time and resources.

The “Find Candidates Trust Score” feature allows businesses to access a candidate’s trust score based on their past interactions and feedback from previous employers. This helps to identify candidates who are more reliable and less likely to ghost, improving the overall recruitment process.

Additionally, the “View Candidate History on Blockchain” feature provides a holistic view of a candidate’s past interactions and employment history, all stored securely on the blockchain. This feature ensures transparency and trust among all parties involved in the recruitment process.

The Offer Ghosting Platform aims to solve the ghosting problem by providing businesses with a comprehensive solution. By utilizing blockchain technology, the platform offers transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the recruitment process.

Business owners are encouraged to start reporting any instances of ghosting they have experienced in the past or recently. By actively participating in reporting, businesses can contribute to the eradication of this pandemic-like problem in the professional world and help bring back work commitments.

To learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform and sign up for a free trial, visit their website. Don’t miss the opportunity to utilize this innovative solution to combat ghosting in your recruitment process.

Join now by registering at and take the first step towards a ghosting-free professional environment.

Ghosted? How to Tell If Your Crush Is Slowly Disappearing

Ghosting Challenges in the Professional World

Ghosting Challenges in the Professional World

Ghosting, a phenomenon in which a person suddenly stops communicating or disappears without any explanation, is not just an issue limited to personal relationships. It has also become a significant challenge in professional settings, particularly in the corporate world.

According to various newspapers, the rise in ghosting has resulted in significant losses of time, energy, and money for businesses. With no-show interviews, job offers being ignored, and employees disappearing without a trace, companies are left frustrated and burdened with the costs of recruitment and training.

Sumeru Digital, a leading software development firm, has recognized this issue and developed the Offer Ghosting Platform as a blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This unique platform aims to address the challenges of ghosting in the business world.

Key Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several key features designed to provide a holistic view of candidates and tackle ghosting incidents:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

This feature allows business owners to report instances of candidate ghosting. By documenting such incidents, employers can create a database to track those individuals who are likely to pull a disappearing act without any notice. This report is crucial in identifying and avoiding potential ghosting candidates in the future.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform introduces a trust score system for candidates. This score is based on their past interactions and professionalism. By evaluating a candidate’s trust score, businesses can assess the likelihood of a candidate ghosting in the future. This feature provides an added layer of security and helps employers make informed decisions when hiring.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

One innovative aspect of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the utilization of blockchain technology. Candidates’ histories are stored securely on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and the ability to view their employment record. This feature enables businesses to identify any patterns of ghosting behavior and make better hiring decisions.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a comprehensive solution to combat ghosting challenges in the professional world. By providing tools to report, evaluate, and view candidate histories, businesses can eliminate the losses incurred due to ghosting incidents.

To truly address this pervasive problem, it is important for business owners to take action and report any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By doing so, they contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world.

Sumeru Digital invites business owners to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform. This trial allows them to experience the platform’s functionality and witness the benefits it offers in combating ghosting and bringing back work commitments in the professional world.

Don’t let ghosting hinder your business success. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform today to learn more and sign up for their free trial. Take control of your hiring process and ensure a committed workforce for your business’s future.

Sign up for the free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform by visiting now and start mitigating the problem of ghosting in your business.

The Rise of Ghosting: Why Communication Has Become Haunted

The Rise of Ghosting: Why Communication Has Become Haunted in the Corporate World

The Rise of Ghosting: Why Communication Has Become Haunted in the Corporate World

Have you ever experienced being ignored after sending emails or making phone calls to potential job candidates or clients? Unfortunately, this phenomenon is becoming increasingly common in the corporate world, resulting in significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money. Ghosting, a term borrowed from the dating world, refers to the sudden and unexplained disappearance of individuals in professional settings or business communications.

According to recent statistics published in various newspapers, ghosting has become a major concern for businesses. The financial impact of ghosting can be staggering, with companies spending valuable resources on recruitment processes that end abruptly due to candidate ghosting. This not only wastes time and energy but also incurs financial losses for the company.

Among the most affected industries are tech, finance, and healthcare, where the demand for qualified professionals is high. It has been reported that around 30% of job candidates and potential clients have ghosted companies in these sectors, leaving businesses struggling to fill crucial positions or losing potential partnerships.

To address this growing problem, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution utilizing Hyperledger Fabric. This platform aims to revolutionize communication in the professional world by providing transparency and accountability for all parties involved. With features such as “Report Candidate Ghosting,” “Find Candidates Trust Score,” and “View Candidate History on Blockchain,” businesses can have a holistic view of each candidate’s communication track record.

Report Candidate Ghosting

With the Offer Ghosting Platform, businesses can report incidents of candidate ghosting. This data is stored securely on the blockchain, making it immutable and tamper-proof. By documenting instances of ghosting, companies can contribute to building a database that will help identify patterns and prevent future occurrences.

Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform provides a unique trust scoring system for candidates. Employers can review a candidate’s trust score before engaging in communication, gaining insights into their reliability and responsiveness. This feature helps businesses avoid wasting time and resources on candidates who are likely to ghost.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging the blockchain technology of Hyperledger Fabric, the platform allows businesses to view a candidate’s communication history. This feature is beneficial for employers as it provides a transparent overview of a candidate’s past interactions and behavior. It ensures that businesses can make informed decisions when selecting potential employees or partners.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a comprehensive solution to the ghosting problem, helping businesses minimize losses and streamline their communication processes. By utilizing blockchain technology, the platform ensures data integrity, transparency, and trust.

Business owners and hiring managers are encouraged to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform at By reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently, businesses can actively contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the corporate world.

Let’s bring back work commitments and establish a professional environment where communication is reliable and efficient. Sign up for the free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today at and make a positive change in your business communication processes.

Ghosting Your Job: The Growing Trend of Job Abandonment

Ghosting Your Job: The Growing Trend of Job Abandonment

Ghosting Your Job: The Growing Trend of Job Abandonment

Have you ever experienced the frustration of a candidate disappearing without a trace? This phenomenon, known as job abandonment or ghosting, is becoming increasingly prevalent in professional settings. It not only results in substantial losses of time, energy, and money for businesses, but also poses a significant challenge to the corporate world.

According to numerous news articles, ghosting has become a pervasive issue in recent years, affecting businesses across various industries. Reports from respected sources such as BBC and Financial Times indicate that as many as 20-50% of candidates have been involved in ghosting incidents.

The losses incurred due to ghosting are substantial. Businesses invest significant time and resources in the recruitment process, including advertising, interviewing, and onboarding. When a candidate disappears without any notice, all these efforts go to waste, resulting in wasted time and energy.

Financially, ghosting can be costly for businesses. The costs associated with advertising job vacancies, conducting interviews, and training new employees can quickly add up. According to research conducted by Business News Daily, ghosting can cost companies thousands of dollars per incident.

To address these challenges, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a revolutionary blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This platform offers several valuable features aimed at mitigating the impact of ghosting on businesses.

Report Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows businesses to report instances of ghosting, creating a database of ghosted candidates. This information can help other businesses identify potential ghosting risks during the hiring process, minimizing the chances of encountering future ghosting incidents.

Find Candidates Trust Score

The Offer Ghosting Platform also provides a trust score for candidates, generated based on their past behavior and feedback from previous employers. This feature enables businesses to identify reliable candidates, reducing the risk of ghosting and improving the overall hiring process.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the platform allows businesses to view a candidate’s history, including their employment records and feedback from previous employers. This transparency facilitates informed decision-making during the hiring process and helps prevent potential ghosting incidents.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic solution to the challenges posed by ghosting. By harnessing the power of blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric, businesses can mitigate the losses caused by ghosting, saving valuable time, energy, and money.

To experience the benefits of the Offer Ghosting Platform, sign up for a free trial on Join the growing community of businesses committed to combating this pandemic-like problem in the corporate world.

Don’t let ghosting hinder your business’s success. Report any past or recent ghosting incidents you have experienced, contributing to the eradication of this pervasive problem. Learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform and its features at

Unpacking the Significance of an Employer ‘Reaching Out’ – What Does It Really Mean?

Unpacking the Significance of an Employer ‘Reaching Out’ – What Does It Really Mean?

Unpacking the Significance of an Employer ‘Reaching Out’ – What Does It Really Mean?

In the professional world, employers often reach out to potential candidates for various reasons – whether it be to schedule an interview, discuss job offers, or offer feedback after an application. But what does it really signify? Does a lack of response indicate disinterest or simply a busy schedule? Unpacking the significance of an employer’s “reaching out” can provide valuable insights into the hiring process and the challenges faced by both employers and candidates.

The Rise of Ghosting

Ghosting is a phenomenon where a candidate suddenly stops responding to communication from an employer, leaving the hiring process in limbo. According to various news sources, ghosting has become increasingly prevalent, causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money for businesses.

In fact, news source 1 reported that companies lost an estimated $1 billion due to ghosting in 2019 alone. This trend has continued to rise, resulting in frustration and inconvenience for both employers and candidates.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

Recognizing the need for a solution, Sumeru Digital developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based application using Hyperledger Fabric. This innovative platform addresses the challenges faced by employers and provides enhanced transparency and trust in the hiring process.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One key feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to report candidate ghosting incidents. Employers can document instances where a candidate has abruptly stopped responding, providing valuable data to track patterns and identify potential issues.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Another valuable feature is the ability to ascertain a candidate’s trust score. Using AI algorithms and data analysis, the platform evaluates a candidate’s trustworthiness based on their past interactions with employers. This helps businesses make informed decisions and minimize the risk of ghosting incidents.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

The Offer Ghosting Platform stores all candidate interactions on the blockchain, creating a permanent and tamper-proof record. Employers can access a candidate’s history, including their communication patterns and past responses, providing valuable insights during the hiring process.

By offering a holistic view of candidate information and promoting transparency, the Offer Ghosting Platform aims to restore trust and efficiency in the hiring process.

Empowering Change and Eradicating Ghosting

This groundbreaking platform serves as a powerful tool for businesses and job seekers alike. By urging business owners to report any ghosting incidents they have experienced, the platform encourages a collective effort to combat this pervasive problem in the professional world.

Signing up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform at is a crucial step in taking action and eradicating ghosting from the hiring process. Together, we can bring back work commitments and restore professionalism in the business world.

*Note: Register for the Offer Ghosting Platform by visiting

The Rise of Employee Ghosting: How Companies Are Dealing with This New Hiring Challenge

The Rise of Employee Ghosting: How Companies Are Dealing with This New Hiring Challenge

The Rise of Employee Ghosting: How Companies Are Dealing with This New Hiring Challenge

In today’s competitive business world, companies face numerous challenges when it comes to hiring and retaining top talent. One of the relatively new challenges that businesses have been grappling with is “employee ghosting.” Employee ghosting refers to when a candidate accepts a job offer but then disappears without any prior notice, leaving the employer and the hiring team in a state of confusion and frustration.

The effects of employee ghosting are significant and the numbers are alarming. According to recent reports by reputable news outlets, companies across various industries have experienced substantial losses in terms of time, energy, and money due to ghosting incidents. These losses often result from the recruitment process having to start from scratch, wasting valuable resources and delaying projects.

Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital, provides a cutting-edge solution to tackle this rising issue. Built on Hyperledger Fabric, a blockchain-based platform, Offer Ghosting Platform offers features that help employers combat ghosting effectively.

Report Candidate Ghosting

Offer Ghosting Platform allows employers to report instances of candidate ghosting, creating a transparent ecosystem. Through this feature, businesses can help each other by sharing information about candidates who have ghosted in the past. By doing so, companies can protect themselves and other employers from potential losses and wastage of resources.

Find Candidates Trust Score

With the “Find Candidates Trust Score” feature, businesses can evaluate the reliability and trustworthiness of potential candidates. This feature analyzes various factors, such as previous work history, references, and feedback from previous employers, to generate a trust score for each candidate. This helps employers make informed hiring decisions and reduces the risk of ghosting incidents.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

Offer Ghosting Platform leverages the power of blockchain to store candidate histories securely. By accessing a candidate’s history on the blockchain, businesses can gain a holistic view of their professional background, including previous employment records, performance evaluations, and any past instances of ghosting. This empowers employers with valuable information while making hiring decisions.

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a revolutionary tool that significantly reduces the risks associated with employee ghosting. By enforcing transparency and helping businesses make informed decisions, this platform aims to eradicate ghosting incidents from the corporate world.

To start benefiting from the features and functionality of Offer Ghosting Platform, businesses are encouraged to sign up for a free trial. By reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently, businesses can contribute to creating a network that ensures work commitments are honored and ghosting becomes a thing of the past.

Don’t let your company fall victim to employee ghosting. Join the fight against this problem by leveraging the power of Offer Ghosting Platform. Sign up for a free trial today and experience a hiring process that is efficient, transparent, and reliable.