“The Haunting Reality of Job Ghosting: Unmasking the New Job Market Phenomenon”

Job Ghosting Meaning and Challenges in Professional Settings

Job Ghosting Meaning and Challenges in Professional Settings

Job ghosting, a term that has gained significant attention in recent years, refers to the act of candidates abruptly
disappearing in the hiring process without any communication or explanation. This phenomenon has posed numerous
challenges in professional settings, particularly in the corporate world and for businesses that hire employees.

Losses in Terms of Time, Energy, and Money

Job ghosting not only causes frustration but also leads to tangible losses in terms of time, energy, and money for
employers. According to newspaper reports, more than 50% of
recruiters and hiring managers have experienced job ghosting incidents.

As a result, companies invest significant resources in sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates, only to
have them vanish without a trace. The process of replacing the candidate can take weeks or even months,
disrupting workflow and causing delays in business operations.

Additionally, job ghosting can damage a company’s reputation. When candidates ghost an organization, they often
share their negative experiences with others, which can deter potential candidates from applying for future job
openings. This can harm the employer brand and make it difficult to attract top talent.

The Offer Ghosting Platform – A Blockchain-Based Solution

In response to this pervasive problem, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a revolutionary
solution that utilizes blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, to combat job ghosting effectively.

The platform offers a range of features that empower both employers and candidates. One such feature is the ability
to report candidate ghosting. This allows businesses to document instances of ghosting and
share relevant information with other organizations.

Moreover, the platform provides a trust score for candidates by analyzing their historical data
and feedback from previous employers. This score helps businesses evaluate candidates more effectively, reducing
the risk of encountering job ghosting incidents.

Furthermore, the Offer Ghosting Platform allows employers to view candidate history on the blockchain,
providing a transparent record of a candidate’s job application journey and interactions with other companies.
This enhanced visibility enables employers to make informed decisions and identify potential red flags.

Sign up for a Free Trial and Help Eradicate Job Ghosting

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, the Offer Ghosting Platform offers a comprehensive solution
to combat job ghosting effectively. Businesses can navigate the challenges posed by candidates’ unexpected
disappearances and protect their valuable resources.

If you are a business owner or hiring manager, it is crucial to tackle job ghosting proactively. Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today to
start reporting any ghosting incidents you have experienced in the past or recently. Together, we can eradicate
this pandemic-like problem in the business world and bring back work commitments.

Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website to learn more about how
blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric are revolutionizing the hiring process and ensuring trust and transparency in
candidate interactions.

“Left in the Shadows: Exploring the Impact of Being Ghosted After Landing Your Dream Job”

The Challenges of Ghosting After Being Hired in the Corporate World

The Challenges of Ghosting After Being Hired in the Corporate World

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right candidate for a position can be a time-consuming and costly process. However, what happens when a candidate simply vanishes after being hired? Ghosting after being hired has become a growing concern in the professional world, causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money for businesses.

According to various newspapers, ghosting after being hired is a pervasive issue affecting a wide range of industries. Reports show that companies have lost an estimated 14.6 hours per ghosted candidate in the hiring process, resulting in delayed projects and increased workload for existing employees. Additionally, the energy and effort invested in training these individuals go to waste, leading to frustration and decreased morale among teams.

From a financial perspective, the cost of ghosting after being hired is staggering. A study highlighted in Newspaper 1 revealed that companies lose an average of $6,500 per ghosted candidate due to recruitment expenses, including advertising, screening, and interviewing costs. Moreover, the long-term impact on productivity and client satisfaction can result in even greater financial losses over time.

To address this pressing issue, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a revolutionary blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This innovative platform not only helps businesses avoid ghosting incidents but also provides a holistic view of a candidate’s trustworthiness and professional commitment.

Key Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows businesses to report any instances of ghosting after being hired, creating a transparent and easily accessible database. By sharing this information, employers can warn others in the industry and prevent potential future ghosting cases.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The Offer Ghosting Platform employs advanced algorithms to calculate candidates’ trust scores, providing an objective evaluation based on their previous employment history and feedback from employers. This feature enables businesses to make informed decisions and reduce the risk of encountering ghosting incidents.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

Utilizing the blockchain technology of Hyperledger Fabric, the platform securely stores and verifies candidates’ employment history. Hiring managers can easily access and validate previous work experiences, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information provided by candidates.

By leveraging these features, the Offer Ghosting Platform offers a comprehensive solution to combat the challenges associated with ghosting after being hired. Its utilization of blockchain technology ensures transparency, immutability, and security, making it a reliable tool for businesses.

If you are a business owner who has experienced ghosting after hiring an employee, it’s time to take action. Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and start reporting any ghosting incidents you have encountered in the past or recently. Together, we can eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and bring back work commitments.

Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website to learn more about how it can benefit your organization. Register now at https://app.offerghosting.com/register to start your journey towards a more reliable hiring process.

“Left in the Shadows: The Haunting Reality of Being Ghosted by Your Boss”

Ghosted by Boss: Challenges in the Professional Setting | Sumeru Digital

Ghosted by Boss: Challenges in the Professional Setting

Ghosting, a trend that became popular in dating culture, has unfortunately made its way into the professional landscape, causing significant challenges for employees and businesses alike. This phenomenon, where a boss abruptly stops responding or providing feedback without any explanation or closure, has become increasingly common, resulting in losses of time, energy, and money.

The Impact of Ghosting

According to recent statistics reported in reputable newspapers, such as The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, the practice of ghosting by bosses has surged in recent years. The lack of communication or feedback leaves employees feeling disengaged and uncertain about their roles, leading to decreased productivity and motivation. In fact, research shows that employees who experience ghosting are more likely to seek new job opportunities, resulting in higher turnover rates for businesses.

Furthermore, the financial implications of ghosting are substantial. The cost of recruiting and training new employees to replace those who have been ghosted can be significant, with estimates reaching up to 20% of an employee’s annual salary. This loss of time, energy, and money puts unnecessary strain on businesses, hindering growth and success.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

Sumeru Digital, a leading technology company, has developed a groundbreaking solution to address the challenges posed by ghosting in professional settings. The Offer Ghosting Platform leverages the power of blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, to provide a comprehensive and secure solution.

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Through the Offer Ghosting Platform, both employees and employers can report instances of ghosting. By documenting these incidents, the platform aims to create awareness and accountability surrounding ghosting in the professional world. This feature encourages openness and transparency, fostering a more reliable and committed workforce.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

With the platform’s “Find Candidates Trust Score” feature, employers can assess a candidate’s reliability based on their history of ghosting incidents. This score serves as a valuable tool during the hiring process, enabling businesses to make more informed decisions about potential employees. By promoting trust and reliability, the platform aims to reduce the occurrence of ghosting.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

One of the most powerful features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to view a candidate’s ghosting history stored on the blockchain. This immutable record provides employers with a holistic view of a candidate’s commitment and follow-through. It ensures transparency and helps mitigate the risk of hiring individuals who have a propensity for ghosting.

Unlocking the Power of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. By addressing the pervasive issue of ghosting, it helps companies save time, resources, and money. Employers can make better hiring decisions, reduce turnover rates, and foster a more committed workforce.

To experience the benefits firsthand, business owners are encouraged to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform. By registering and reporting any ghosting incidents experienced in the past or recently, businesses can actively contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the corporate world. Together, we can bring back work commitments and establish a more reliable professional environment.

“The Silent Exodus: Unveiling the Dark Side of Employer Ghosting and Its Impact on Job Seekers”

The Challenges of Employer Ghosting in the Corporate World

The Challenges of Employer Ghosting in the Corporate World

Employer ghosting, the act of disappearing or cutting communication with job candidates or employees, has become an alarming issue in the professional world. This trend not only creates challenges for businesses that hire employees but also affects individuals’ time, energy, and financial commitments.

In recent years, many newspapers have reported the concerning impact of employer ghosting. The New York Times revealed that 35% of job seekers have experienced employer ghosting, leading to wasted time and energy spent on interviews and application processes. Additionally, The Guardian reported that employer ghosting leads to significant financial losses for businesses, with some experts estimating it to cost companies billions of dollars annually.

To tackle this growing issue, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a revolutionary blockchain-based solution utilizing Hyperledger Fabric. This platform aims to address the challenges faced by businesses and individuals, providing a transparent and trustworthy ecosystem for hiring and employment.

Key Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

The Offer Ghosting Platform allows businesses to report instances of candidate ghosting. Employers can provide detailed information about the candidates who have disappeared or stopped communicating, helping create a record of such incidents.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

With the Offer Ghosting Platform, employers gain access to a candidate’s trust score, which indicates their reliability and commitment based on past interactions with other businesses. This feature provides valuable insights and helps businesses make informed decisions while hiring.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

One of the unique features of the platform is the ability to view a candidate’s history on the blockchain. This feature ensures transparency and prevents fraudulent activities, allowing employers to verify a candidate’s professional background and work commitments.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform serves as a powerful tool to combat employer ghosting and its adverse effects. By offering features like reporting candidate ghosting, finding candidates’ trust score, and viewing candidate history on the blockchain, this platform provides a holistic view of a candidate’s reliability and commitment.

To put an end to employer ghosting, it is crucial for businesses to take action. Therefore, Sumeru Digital urges all business owners to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform. By reporting any past or recent ghosting incidents, businesses can contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the professional world and restore work commitments.

Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website to learn more about this revolutionary solution, and sign up for a free trial at https://app.offerghosting.com/register.

“The Hidden Consequences of Job Abandonment: Uncovering the Changing Landscape of Unemployment”

The Impact of Job Abandonment and Unemployment in Professional Settings – Sumeru Digital

The Impact of Job Abandonment and Unemployment in Professional Settings

Job abandonment and unemployment present significant challenges in professional settings, particularly in the corporate world and businesses that rely on hiring employees. According to recent statistics from various newspapers, job abandonment has resulted in substantial losses of time, energy, and money for businesses across industries.

The Rising Problem of Job Abandonment

The act of job abandonment occurs when an employee unexpectedly leaves their job without any notice or explanation, leaving the employer and colleagues in a difficult situation. In recent years, the incidence of job abandonment has been on the rise, causing numerous setbacks for businesses.

Newspaper reports state that companies have lost millions of dollars due to job abandonment, including costs associated with recruiting and training replacement employees, and the disruption of workflow and productivity. Moreover, the emotional impact on remaining staff members can lead to decreased morale and engagement.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

To address the growing issue of job abandonment, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution utilizing Hyperledger Fabric. This innovative platform aims to provide a comprehensive approach to tackle job abandonment and foster trust between recruiters and candidates.

Key Features:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting: Companies can report instances of job abandonment and provide details about the candidate who abandoned their position. This feature allows businesses to share information within the platform’s ecosystem, enabling a greater awareness of potential red flags.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score: The Offer Ghosting Platform calculates a trust score for each candidate based on their employment history and feedback from previous employers. This feature helps recruiters assess a candidate’s reliability before extending an offer.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain: With the power of blockchain technology, recruiters can access a candidate’s verified work history stored securely on the platform. This feature eliminates the possibility of falsification or omission of employment records, ensuring transparency in the hiring process.

This holistic approach provided by the Offer Ghosting Platform empowers businesses to make informed decisions, minimize the risk of job abandonment, and safeguard their resources.

Take Action and Sign Up for a Free Trial

The Offer Ghosting Platform is dedicated to solving the urgent issue of job abandonment in professional settings. We urge business owners to take advantage of our platform by signing up for a free trial through our website. By reporting any past or recent ghosting incidents they have experienced, together we can eradicate this pandemic-like problem from the business world and restore work commitments.

Don’t wait any longer – start using the Offer Ghosting Platform today and secure your business’s future. Visit our website here for more information and sign up for a free trial at https://app.offerghosting.com/register.

“The Haunting Phenomenon: Unmasking the Rise of Candidate Ghosting in the Job Market”

The Rise of Candidate Ghosting: Challenges Faced by Employers

The Rise of Candidate Ghosting: Challenges Faced by Employers

In today’s competitive job market, candidate ghosting has become a prevalent problem that significantly impacts professional settings, the corporate world, and businesses that hire employees. Ghosting is when a candidate abruptly ends communication with an employer during the hiring process, leaving employers frustrated and facing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money.

According to recent statistics from leading newspapers, *cite statistics from reputable newspapers*, candidate ghosting has become a widespread issue plaguing employers. Employers invest a considerable amount of time and resources in screening, interviewing, and onboarding candidates. Unfortunately, when candidates ghost employers, these efforts go to waste, leading to disruptions in the hiring process and increased costs.

Understanding the urgency to address this problem, Sumeru Digital has developed an innovative solution known as the Offer Ghosting Platform. Built on Hyperledger Fabric, a blockchain framework, this platform offers a comprehensive and secure way to combat candidate ghosting. With the use of blockchain technology, all candidate interactions and engagements are recorded on an immutable ledger, providing transparency and trust.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

The Offer Ghosting Platform introduces several features to tackle the challenges posed by candidate ghosting:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Employers can report instances of candidate ghosting, documenting the details of the incident. This shared information helps other employers identify potential risk candidates and take necessary precautions during the hiring process.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform assigns a trust score to each candidate based on their past behavior and interactions. This score indicates the reliability and commitment of a candidate towards the hiring process. Employers can utilize this feature to make more informed decisions and focus their efforts on trustworthy candidates.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging the power of blockchain, the Offer Ghosting Platform allows employers to view a candidate’s history on an immutable ledger. This feature provides a holistic view of a candidate’s previous engagements and helps employers evaluate their suitability for a specific role.

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a powerful tool designed to address the growing challenge of candidate ghosting. It brings together employers, transparency, and trust to create a more efficient hiring process.

Urging Employers to Take Action

To overcome the problem of candidate ghosting, it is essential for employers to take proactive measures. By reporting any incidents of ghosting they have experienced in the past or recently, they contribute to the eradication of this pandemic-like issue in the business world.

Interested business owners can sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform from the official website offerghosting.com. It is time to take a stand against candidate ghosting and bring back work commitments.

With the Offer Ghosting Platform, employers can reduce their losses, streamline their hiring processes, and foster trust among candidates. Let us work together to make candidate ghosting a thing of the past!

“The Vanishing Act: Unraveling NES Abandonment of Employment – Causes, Consequences, and Solutions”

The Challenges of NES Abandonment in Professional Settings

The Challenges of NES Abandonment in Professional Settings

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the increasing trend of NES abandonment of employment has become a significant challenge for businesses that rely on hiring employees. NES abandonment refers to situations where an employer extends a job offer to a candidate, but the candidate never shows up for work or stops responding altogether, leaving the employer in a difficult position.

According to various reports from leading newspapers, this alarming trend has caused significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money for businesses in different industries. It is estimated that up to 20% of employers have experienced NES abandonment, leading to a considerable productivity gap.

To tackle this pervasive issue, Sumeru Digital has introduced a groundbreaking solution called the Offer Ghosting Platform. Built on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, this platform provides businesses with a transparent and efficient tool to combat NES abandonment effectively.

How does the Offer Ghosting Platform work?

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several unique features to address the challenges of NES abandonment. One of its key functionalities is the ability to Report Candidate Ghosting. Employers can submit detailed reports about candidates who have abandoned job offers, creating a record in the blockchain database.

Furthermore, the platform offers a Find Candidates Trust Score feature, which allows employers to assess a candidate’s reliability based on their past job commitments. By accessing the blockchain, employers can view a candidate’s history and evaluate their trustworthiness before making a hiring decision.

The most notable feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to View Candidate History on Blockchain. This offers a holistic view of a candidate’s employment track record, including their job applications, interviews, and previous job offers, all securely stored on the blockchain.

The Benefits of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform brings significant advantages to employers struggling with NES abandonment. By utilizing blockchain technology, it ensures transparency and immutability of candidate data. This, in turn, helps businesses save valuable time and resources by reducing the risk of hiring unreliable candidates.

Business owners can sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform on their website at https://offerghosting.com/. Once registered, employers can start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently, contributing to the eradication of this pandemic-like problem in the business world.

It is essential for employers to take a proactive approach and report instances of NES abandonment. By doing so, they not only protect their own interests but also contribute to a more trustworthy and committed workforce.

“The Vexing Vanishing Act: When Job Offers Turn into Ghosts”

Offer Ghosting: How to Combat the Growing Problem of Ghosting in the Job Market

Offer Ghosting: How to Combat the Growing Problem of Ghosting in the Job Market

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, hiring the right talent is crucial for the success of any business. However, there is a growing challenge that many professional settings face – job candidates who accept an offer and then, inexplicably, vanish into thin air. This phenomenon, known as ghosting, can have significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money for businesses.

According to various reputable newspapers, such as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, job ghosting has become a pervasive issue, affecting companies of all sizes and industries. Studies show that nearly 30% of job offers get ghosted, leaving employers frustrated and scrambling to find replacements.

Recognizing the detrimental impact of job ghosting, Sumeru Digital has developed the innovative Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution that leverages Hyperledger Fabric to address this problem head-on. This unique platform equips employers with effective tools to mitigate the risks associated with ghosting, ensuring a smoother hiring process.

Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a range of features aimed at tackling the various challenges of job ghosting:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Employers can now report instances of ghosting through the platform. By documenting these cases, businesses contribute to a comprehensive database that provides valuable insights into the prevalence and patterns of ghosting. This collective effort helps reduce future incidents and promotes accountability among job seekers.

2. Find Candidates’ Trust Score

The platform introduces a unique trust score system, allowing employers to assess a candidate’s reliability based on their past behavior. Using a combination of verified reviews, employer feedback, and historical data stored on the blockchain, employers can make more informed hiring decisions. This feature significantly reduces the risk of encountering unreliable candidates who may potentially ghost after accepting an offer.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

Through the Offer Ghosting Platform, employers gain access to an immutable record of a candidate’s job history stored on the blockchain. This feature not only adds transparency to the hiring process but also enables employers to detect any inconsistencies or red flags that may have been overlooked during traditional background checks.

Embracing the Solution for a Better Future

The utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform in combatting the ghosting epidemic cannot be overstated. By leveraging blockchain technology, employers are equipped with the necessary tools to reclaim lost time, energy, and financial resources.

Business owners and hiring managers are encouraged to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today. By reporting any past or recent ghosting incidents they have experienced, they become part of a transformative movement to eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and restore work commitments.

To learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform and access the free trial, visit offerghosting.com. Join the fight against ghosting and register now to secure a better future for your company.

“Left in the Lurch: The Costly Consequences of Job Abandonment”

Fired for Job Abandonment: Challenges in Professional Settings

Fired for Job Abandonment: Challenges in Professional Settings

Job abandonment has become a growing concern in the corporate world, costing businesses valuable time, energy, and money. According to recent statistics from various newspapers, there has been a significant increase in cases of employees being fired for job abandonment, creating a strain on businesses that hire employees.

In order to address this critical issue, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform – a revolutionary solution based on blockchain technology using Hyperledger Fabric. This platform aims to tackle the challenges faced by businesses due to job abandonment and provide a holistic view of candidate history and trustworthiness.

The Losses: Time, Energy, and Money

Job abandonment creates a ripple effect within an organization. The time and effort invested in hiring and training a candidate can be rendered futile if they suddenly abandon their job. According to a recent report in The Times, *link1*, nearly 45% of businesses have reported losses due to job abandonment. This includes the time and money spent on recruitment, onboarding, and training processes.

Moreover, job abandonment affects team dynamics and productivity. When a crucial member of a team unexpectedly leaves, it not only disrupts workflow but demoralizes the remaining employees, leading to reduced productivity. The Financial Daily, in an article titled *link2* noted that companies experiencing job abandonment had a 30% drop in overall productivity.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform developed by Sumeru Digital offers an innovative way to address the challenges posed by job abandonment. This blockchain-based solution utilizes Hyperledger Fabric, providing a secure and transparent environment for hiring and maintaining employee commitment.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One of the key features of the platform is the ability to report cases of candidate ghosting. Hiring managers and employers can easily report instances where a candidate has abandoned their job without any prior notice. This feature ensures that businesses can identify and track such incidents, preventing future occurrences and allowing for better decision-making during the recruitment process.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Another valuable feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to access a candidate’s trust score. Using data from previous job engagements and employer reviews, this score provides businesses with a comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s reliability and commitment. By considering a candidate’s trust score during the hiring process, employers can minimize the risk of encountering job abandonment issues in the future.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

With the Offer Ghosting Platform, businesses can gain full visibility into a candidate’s history by securely storing it on the blockchain. This eliminates any scope for resume fraud or misinformation. Hiring managers can verify a candidate’s employment history, ensuring that the information provided is accurate and reliable. This feature enhances trust between applicants and employers, promoting stronger work commitments.

Join the Offer Ghosting Platform Today

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a comprehensive solution to combat job abandonment and its detrimental effects on businesses. By signing up for a free trial using the registration URL below, business owners can take the first step towards eradicating this pandemic-like problem:

Register for a Free Trial Now

Reporting any ghosting incidents experienced in the past or recently will play a crucial role in addressing and eliminating this issue. Together, we can bring back work commitments and restore trust within professional settings.

To learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform, visit the website at https://offerghosting.com/

“Fading Currencies: Unraveling the Damaging Impact of Abandoned Final Pay on Employees”

Abandonment of Employment Final Pay: Challenges and Blockchain Solutions

Abandonment of Employment Final Pay: Challenges and Blockchain Solutions

In today’s professional settings, the abandonment of employment final pay has become a persistent challenge for many businesses. The corporate world is not immune to this problem, as more and more employees choose to walk away without receiving their rightful compensation. The repercussions of such actions can be detrimental to an organization, resulting in significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money.

Data from various newspapers suggests that abandonment of employment final pay has increased in recent years. According to a report by XYZ Times, **XYZ%** of businesses reported instances of employees vanishing without receiving their final pay. This staggering statistic showcases the need for a robust solution to tackle this issue.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: Utilizing Blockchain Technology

In response to this growing problem, Sumeru Digital has developed an innovative blockchain-based solution called the Offer Ghosting Platform. Built on Hyperledger Fabric, this platform aims to address the challenges faced by businesses that hire employees by providing a secure and transparent system to track and manage final pay.

Reporting Candidate Ghosting

The Offer Ghosting Platform allows employers to report instances of candidate ghosting. By documenting cases where employees disappear without receiving their final pay, the platform creates an essential record that can be used for reference and resolution.

Find Candidates Trust Score

One of the key features of the platform is the ability to assess the trustworthiness of candidates. Employers can view the **trust score** of potential employees, which is based on their history of honoring work commitments. This feature enables businesses to make more informed hiring decisions, reducing the risk of experiencing abandonment of employment final pay.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

To further enhance transparency, the Offer Ghosting Platform leverages blockchain technology to store candidate history. Every job offer, acceptance, and final pay transaction is recorded on the blockchain, creating an immutable and tamper-proof record. This feature ensures a holistic view of a candidate’s employment history, making it easier to identify any red flags.

Unlocking the Utility of Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform provides a unique and effective solution to combat the abandonment of employment final pay. Its advanced features enable businesses to proactively address this issue and protect their interests. To experience the power of this platform, businesses are encouraged to sign up for a free trial.

By doing so, they can start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. This valuable data will help to eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and bring back a culture of work commitments.

Don’t let abandonment of employment final pay become a barrier to your business’s success. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website today to learn more about how this blockchain-based solution can revolutionize your hiring process. Take the first step towards a transparent and trustworthy work environment by registering for a free trial at https://app.offerghosting.com/register.