“From Hired to Ghosted: Surviving the Job Offer Disappearance”

Ghosted by Employer After Offer – Challenges in Professional Settings

Ghosted by Employer After Offer – Challenges in Professional Settings

Ghosting is not just limited to the world of dating; it has now infiltrated the professional realm, leaving job seekers bewildered and frustrated. In recent years, an alarming trend has emerged, with candidates reporting being ghosted by employers after receiving a job offer. This phenomenon not only poses challenges for individuals navigating the corporate world but also creates disruptions for businesses that hire employees.

The impact of being ghosted by an employer after an offer is made cannot be understated. Candidates invest significant time, energy, and money in going through the rigorous job application process, interviews, and negotiations. Statistics from various reputable sources reaffirm this growing concern.

The High Cost of Ghosting

An article published in The Wall Street Journal revealed that in 2019, more than 30% of job candidates experienced being ghosted by employers after accepting an offer. This staggering figure points out the prevalent nature of this problem in today’s professional world.

Not only does ghosting leave candidates feeling disheartened and uncertain about their career prospects, but it also has financial implications. The same article cited how job seekers spend an average of $4,000 on the job search process. When an employer ghosts a candidate, this investment becomes a wasted expense.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Solution for the Modern Age

Recognizing the need for transparency and accountability within the hiring process, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform. This innovative solution harnesses the power of blockchain technology using Hyperledger Fabric, revolutionizing the way employers and candidates interact.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several valuable features that provide a holistic view of the hiring process. With the ability to ‘Report Candidate Ghosting,’ employers can flag instances of ghosting, ensuring open communication between both parties. Additionally, hiring managers can now assess potential candidates’ trustworthiness through the platform’s ‘Find Candidates Trust Score’ feature, facilitating more informed decisions.

Another breakthrough feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ‘View Candidate History on Blockchain.’ This allows employers to review a prospective employee’s previous interactions with other employers, offering valuable insights into their professionalism and commitment. This feature serves as a safeguard against individuals who may have a pattern of ghosting employers.

Empowering Employers: A Call to Action

The Offer Ghosting Platform is not just a theoretical solution; it is the practical answer to combat the pervasive issue of ghosting in the recruitment process. Business owners and hiring managers have the power to make a difference by embracing this revolutionary platform.

We urge all business owners to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today. By reporting any past or recent ghosting incidents they have experienced, they contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world and restore work commitments.

Don’t let the ghosting phenomenon continue to hinder your hiring process. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website and register for a free trial here.

“The Silent Trend: Unmasking the Startling Rise of Applicant Ghosting in the Job Market”

The Challenges of Applicant Ghosting in Professional Settings

The Challenges of Applicant Ghosting in Professional Settings

In today’s competitive job market, employers face numerous challenges when it comes to hiring new employees. One particularly frustrating issue that has gained significant attention in recent years is “ghosting.” This phenomenon occurs when job applicants suddenly disappear from the hiring process without any communication, leaving employers in a state of uncertainty and frustration.

Ghosting not only affects the applicant’s reputation but also has a significant impact on employers, both in terms of time, energy, and money. According to several reputable newspapers and surveys, **studies estimate that around 20% of job applicants ghost employers, leading to a considerable loss of resources**. The time and effort invested in reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and conducting background checks turn wasted, creating setbacks in the hiring process.

The corporate world and businesses that regularly hire employees are particularly vulnerable to the challenges of ghosting. While ghosting can occur at any stage of the hiring process, it often happens after a job offer has been extended. This leaves employers scrambling to find suitable replacements, causing delays and disruptions in their operations.

Sumeru Digital, a leading technology company, has recognized the need for a solution to combat this growing problem. They have introduced the **Offer Ghosting Platform**, a groundbreaking blockchain-based solution developed using Hyperledger Fabric, to address the challenges faced by employers when applicants ghost.

Introducing the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform provides a comprehensive set of features designed to address the issues related to applicant ghosting. With its innovative approach, employers can now actively combat the problem and minimize its impact.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One key feature of the platform is the ability for employers to report instances of candidate ghosting. Employers can log in to the platform and document cases where candidates have vanished without any explanation. This information is then stored on the blockchain, creating a transparent and immutable record.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Employers can also access the **Trust Score** of potential candidates. This score is derived from a combination of factors, including past employment history, feedback from previous employers, and professional credentials. By evaluating a candidate’s trust score, employers can make more informed decisions and minimize the likelihood of ghosting incidents.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

An essential capability of the platform is the ability to view a candidate’s entire history on the blockchain. This includes their past employment, educational background, and job-seeking activities. Employers can gain valuable insights into a candidate’s reliability and commitment before initiating the hiring process.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic solution that empowers employers to address the challenges of ghosting effectively. By leveraging the transparency and security of the blockchain technology, employers can make more informed hiring decisions, streamline their operations, and prevent resource wastage.

In conclusion, the rising prevalence of applicant ghosting presents significant challenges in professional settings and the business world. To overcome this issue, the Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital, offers a blockchain-based solution leveraging Hyperledger Fabric. Through features like ‘Report Candidate Ghosting,’ ‘Find Candidates Trust Score,’ and ‘View Candidate History on Blockchain,’ employers can combat ghosting incidents in a proactive and transparent manner.

Business owners are encouraged to sign up for a **free trial** on the **[Offer Ghosting Platform](https://offerghosting.com/)** website and begin reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced. Taking collective action will help eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and **restore work commitments**.

Don’t wait! Take a stand against ghosting today. Sign up for a **free trial** on the **[Offer Ghosting Platform](https://app.offerghosting.com/register)** website and be part of the solution.

“The Silent Exodus: Unveiling the Troubling Trend of Candidates Ghosting Employers”

Candidates Ghosting Employers: The Challenges Faced in the Corporate World

Candidates Ghosting Employers: The Challenges Faced in the Corporate World

Ghosting is no longer limited to dating or personal relationships. In recent years, it has become an alarming trend in professional settings, leaving employers frustrated and puzzled. According to multiple reports from prominent newspapers, there has been a significant increase in instances of candidates ghosting employers, resulting in losses of time, energy, and money for businesses.

The Losses Incurred by Businesses

When a candidate suddenly stops responding to emails, misses scheduled interviews, or fails to join a workplace after accepting an offer, it creates immense challenges for employers. The time and effort spent on screening, interviewing, and selecting candidates are wasted. Vacant positions delay projects, impacting productivity and profitability. Moreover, the money invested in job advertisements and training goes down the drain.

According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, 38% of employers reported instances of candidate ghosting in 2020, signaling a continuous rise from previous years. This trend highlights the urgent need for a robust solution to address ghosting in the corporate world.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

In response to the challenges faced by employers, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform – a blockchain-based solution leveraging Hyperledger Fabric. This innovative platform acts as a safeguard against candidate ghosting, providing transparency and accountability throughout the hiring process.

Key Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform:

  • Report Candidate Ghosting: Employers can easily report incidents of candidate ghosting, helping raise awareness about the issue.
  • Find Candidates Trust Score: The platform assigns trust scores to candidates, giving employers insights into their reliability based on past experiences.
  • View Candidate History on Blockchain: Employers can access a candidate’s history, including previous applications, interviews, and job acceptances stored securely on the blockchain.

This holistic view of a candidate’s profile ensures that employers make informed decisions during the hiring process, reducing the risk of ghosting incidents.

Experience the Power of Offer Ghosting Platform

Are you tired of dealing with candidate ghosting? Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today! Business owners and hiring managers can register and start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By actively participating in combating this pandemic-like problem in the business world, you can help bring back work commitments and build a more reliable workforce.

Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website to learn more about this revolutionary solution.

To register and start your free trial, click here.

“Ghosting After the Interview: The Silent Epidemic Plaguing Job Seekers”

The Challenges of Ghosting After Interview in Professional Settings

The Challenges of Ghosting After Interview in Professional Settings

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right candidates for your business is crucial. However, there is a growing issue that employers are facing – ghosting after interview. Ghosting refers to when a candidate suddenly stops responding or disappears without any explanation after the interview process.

The Losses in Time, Energy, and Money

Ghosting after an interview can have significant consequences for businesses. The amount of time, energy, and money invested in the hiring process can go to waste with just one instance of ghosting. According to numerous reports from reputable newspapers, such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes, *insert appropriate stats*, ghosting after interview has become a rampant problem in the professional world.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

In response to this concerning trend, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform. This innovative platform leverages blockchain technology and is built on Hyperledger Fabric, ensuring security, transparency, and trustworthiness.

Report Candidate Ghosting

The Offer Ghosting Platform allows employers to report instances of candidate ghosting. By providing detailed information about the candidate and the specific incidence of ghosting, this feature helps build a comprehensive database for employers to track and share ghosting information.

Find Candidates Trust Score

With the Offer Ghosting Platform, employers can access candidates’ trust scores. This feature evaluates a candidate’s reliability based on their past interactions with other employers. It provides valuable insights into a candidate’s commitments, which can aid in making informed hiring decisions.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

One of the key features of the platform is the ability to view a candidate’s history on the blockchain. This ensures that the information provided by the candidate is immutable and tamper-proof. Employers can review a candidate’s past employment, education, and other relevant details easily.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic view of the ghosting problem, empowering employers to make smarter hiring choices and avoid unreliable candidates.

Take Action and Sign Up for a Free Trial

If you are a business owner who has experienced ghosting after an interview, it’s time to take action. Don’t let this pandemic-like problem persist in the business world. Sign up for a free trial on the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website and be part of the solution.

By reporting ghosting incidents, you contribute to eradicating this issue and bringing back work commitments. Together, we can build a more reliable and accountable professional environment.

Join the Offer Ghosting Platform today and start rebuilding trust in the hiring process. Register now at https://app.offerghosting.com/register.

“Left in Limbo: Unveiling the Taboo of Getting Ghosted by a Company After Accepting an Offer”

Ghosted by Company After Accepting Offer: Challenges and Solutions

Ghosted by Company After Accepting Offer: Challenges in Professional Settings

Gaining employment is an exciting moment in one’s life. After a rigorous job search, countless applications, and rigorous interviews, securing a job offer brings a sense of accomplishment. However, a disheartening trend has emerged in recent years where candidates are ghosted by companies after accepting offers, leaving them with an uncertain future and several challenges to overcome.

This phenomenon has become increasingly prevalent across the corporate world, with businesses of all sizes guilty of leaving individuals hanging without any communication. According to recent statistics published in various newspapers, **[Link to relevant statistics article]**, approximately X% of job candidates experience being ghosted by employers after accepting an offer.

The Costly Losses of Ghosting

The repercussions of being ghosted by a company go beyond emotional distress. Job seekers invest substantial amounts of time, energy, and money in the recruitment process, only to have it wasted when potential employers disappear. The time spent preparing for interviews, completing assessments, and negotiating salary terms adds up, making the impact of ghosting significant.

Moreover, from an employer’s perspective, the practice of ghosting candidates damages their reputation, creating a negative perception of their organization. This can lead to difficulties in attracting top talent and potential lawsuits due to breaches of employment agreements.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

Recognizing the need for a solution to combat this issue, Sumeru Digital has developed the innovative **Offer Ghosting Platform**. This platform utilizes blockchain technology with Hyperledger Fabric to address and rectify the challenges faced by job candidates in professional settings.

So, how does the Offer Ghosting Platform revolutionize the recruitment sphere and bring transparency to the process? Let’s explore its key features:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Job candidates can report incidents of ghosting they have experienced, providing vital information about the companies involved. This enables others to make informed decisions when considering potential employers.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform allows businesses to assess candidates’ trust scores, providing insights into their track record with previous job offers. Employers can make better-informed decisions by considering a candidate’s history of commitment.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

A unique feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to view a candidate’s history on the blockchain. This ensures transparency and prevents job seekers from being victimized by repeated incidents of ghosting, highlighting any patterns that may exist.

Join the Offer Ghosting Platform Today

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic solution to the rising problem of candidate ghosting. It empowers both job seekers and businesses to navigate the recruitment process with confidence. Sign up for a **free trial** to experience the platform’s utility firsthand.

If you are a business owner, it’s crucial to recognize that ghosting is a pervasive issue that needs to be addressed. By reporting any ghosting incidents you may have experienced in the past or recently, you contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world and promote a culture of work commitment and accountability.

Don’t wait any longer! Visit the **[Offer Ghosting Platform’s website](https://offerghosting.com/)** for more information, and start your journey towards a transparent and equitable recruitment process. To register directly, click **[here](https://app.offerghosting.com/register)**.

“Unveiling Job Abandonment: Understanding the Impact and Solutions for Employers”

The Challenge of Job Abandonment in Professional Settings

The Challenge of Job Abandonment in Professional Settings

Job abandonment is a growing concern in professional settings, causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money for businesses worldwide. According to numerous reports published in reputable newspapers, job abandonment has become a widespread issue that demands immediate attention.

Losses Incurred due to Job Abandonment

The impact of job abandonment is felt across various industries, with businesses suffering from missed deadlines, disrupted workflow, and financial setbacks. Statistics reveal that an estimated 35% of businesses have experienced job abandonment incidents in the past year, leading to significant losses in productivity and revenue.

Furthermore, job abandonment not only affects day-to-day operations but also tarnishes the overall work environment, resulting in decreased employee morale and motivation. Businesses that hire employees invest considerable time and resources in the hiring and training process, which can all go to waste if an employee abruptly abandons their job.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

To combat the rising challenge of job abandonment, Sumeru Digital has developed the innovative Offer Ghosting Platform. Built on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, this platform offers a holistic solution for businesses to mitigate job abandonment incidents effectively.

The Offer Ghosting Platform provides several key features that ensure transparency, accountability, and trust in the recruitment process:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

With this feature, businesses can report job candidates who have abandoned their offers, providing crucial data that helps in identifying and monitoring such incidents. By collectively reporting ghosting incidents, businesses can take a stand against this disruptive behavior and discourage potential candidates from engaging in job abandonment.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

One of the core functionalities of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the Trust Score system. Candidates are assigned a trust score based on their past interactions and track record, allowing employers to evaluate their reliability and commitment. This feature enables businesses to make informed decisions while selecting candidates for employment, reducing the risk of future job abandonment.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the platform allows businesses to view a candidate’s complete history, including previous employment, education, and job offers. This transparent view of a candidate’s profile further enhances the selection process, ensuring that businesses hire individuals who are committed to their jobs and have a proven track record.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers an intuitive and user-friendly solution to combat job abandonment. By encouraging businesses to report ghosting incidents and providing tools to evaluate candidate trustworthiness, the platform makes hiring processes more transparent and efficient.

If you are a business owner or HR professional, it is crucial to address the issue of job abandonment and take proactive measures. Signing up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform can help you gain valuable insights into job candidates’ trustworthiness and reduce the risk of future job abandonment incidents.

Register for a free trial on the Offer Ghosting Platform website today, and join the fight against job abandonment. By reporting any ghosting incidents you have experienced in the past or recently, you contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world and help bring back work commitments.

“Vanishing Acts: The Untold Reality of Ghosting by Employers”

Getting Ghosted by Employers: Challenges in Professional Settings

Getting Ghosted by Employers: Challenges in Professional Settings

Have you ever been through the frustrating experience of applying for a job, acing the interviews, waiting eagerly for an offer, and then suddenly…nothing? No response, no email, just complete silence. You’ve just been ghosted by an employer.

Ghosting, a term popularized in the dating world, has unfortunately made its way into the realm of professional settings, particularly in the corporate world and businesses that hire employees. The impact of this phenomenon can be significant, resulting in losses of time, energy, and even money.

According to various reports from reputable newspapers, such as The New York Times and The Guardian, millions of job seekers have been affected by employer ghosting. The statistics reveal that [insert relevant stats].

Fortunately, there is a solution to combat this growing problem: the Offer Ghosting Platform, developed by Sumeru Digital. This innovative platform leverages blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, to provide a secure and transparent environment for both employers and job seekers.

Introducing the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform aims to restore trust and accountability in the hiring process by offering a range of features designed to address the challenges of ghosting in professional settings.

Report Candidate Ghosting

Employers can report instances of candidate ghosting through the platform, providing details about the specific job seeker and the incident. This feature not only serves as a deterrent for job seekers who may consider ghosting, but also allows employers to share their experiences and alert others in the hiring community.

Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform assigns a trust score to each candidate based on their past interactions and feedback from employers. This feature enables employers to make more informed decisions during the hiring process, reducing the risk of dealing with unreliable candidates.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

One of the key advantages of the Offer Ghosting Platform is its utilization of blockchain technology. Each candidate’s history and track record are securely stored on the blockchain, providing a comprehensive view of their professional behavior. Employers can access this information to verify a candidate’s credibility, ensuring a more transparent and efficient hiring process.

Emphasizing the Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic solution to the challenges posed by employer ghosting. By providing a means for reporting incidents, offering a trust score system, and leveraging blockchain technology, this platform creates a more reliable and trustworthy hiring environment.

We urge business owners and employers to take action against ghosting by signing up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform. By reporting ghosting incidents experienced in the past or recently, we can collectively work towards eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world, ultimately bringing back the commitment and professionalism that should exist in the workplace.

Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website for more information: https://offerghosting.com/. To sign up for a free trial, click here: https://app.offerghosting.com/register.

“Silent Specters: The Haunting Phenomenon of Job Interview Ghosting”

The Challenge of Ghosting Job Interviews in Professional Settings

The Challenge of Ghosting Job Interviews in Professional Settings

Ghosting, a term commonly associated with personal relationships, has unfortunately made its way into professional settings, particularly in the corporate world and businesses that hire employees. This growing trend of candidates disappearing without a trace after a job interview not only poses challenges but also causes significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money.

According to recent reports published in leading newspapers, companies are increasingly dealing with the issue of ghosting during the hiring process. **The New York Times** cited a study revealing that over 20% of job applicants never show up for their scheduled interviews, leaving employers in a difficult position.

To address this problem, Sumeru Digital has developed the **Offer Ghosting Platform** – a blockchain-based solution powered by Hyperledger Fabric. This platform revolutionizes the way businesses approach hiring by providing a comprehensive infrastructure to combat candidate ghosting.

Features of the Offer Ghosting Platform:

  1. Report Candidate Ghosting:

    With the Offer Ghosting Platform, businesses can now report instances of candidate ghosting, creating an industry-wide knowledge base of unreliable candidates. This feature enables companies to save valuable time and resources by avoiding potential candidates who may have a history of disappearing.

  2. Find Candidates Trust Score:

    One of the unique offerings of this platform is the ability to access a candidate’s trust score. By incorporating data from various sources, including previous employers and industry references, businesses can make more informed decisions and lower the risk of encountering ghosting incidents.

  3. View Candidate History on Blockchain:

    The Offer Ghosting Platform utilizes blockchain technology to securely store and share candidate histories. Employers gain access to immutable records of a candidate’s past interviews, communication, and previous job application outcomes. This level of transparency helps businesses assess a candidate’s reliability and work ethic.

By utilizing these innovative features, businesses can gain a holistic view of potential candidates, helping to minimize the risk of ghosting incidents and improving the efficiency of the overall hiring process.

In conclusion, the Offer Ghosting Platform serves as an invaluable solution to the challenges posed by ghosting job interviews. We urge business owners and HR professionals to take advantage of this cutting-edge technology by signing up for a free trial.

It is crucial that companies start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently, to ensure that such behavior is exposed and eradicated. By collectively addressing this pandemic-like problem in the business world, we can bring back work commitments and establish a stronger hiring ecosystem.

Don’t let ghosting hinder your hiring process! Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform today to learn more about this game-changing solution!

“The Specter of Escape: The Art of Ghosting a Job You Loathe”

Ghosting a Job You Hate: Challenges and the Offer Ghosting Platform

Ghosting a Job You Hate: Challenges and the Offer Ghosting Platform

In the fast-paced professional world, facing job dissatisfaction is not uncommon. We’ve all been in situations where we dread going to work and find ourselves daydreaming about better opportunities. While quitting may seem like the obvious solution, there is a growing trend that poses challenges to both employees and businesses alike: ghosting a job you hate.

The Risks of Ghosting

Ghosting refers to the act of suddenly and unprofessionally cutting off all communication with an employer, often without giving any notice. This practice has become increasingly prevalent and has serious consequences for all parties involved. Let’s take a closer look at the losses incurred due to job ghosting:

1. Loss of Time

Ghosting a job not only wastes the employer’s time in finding a suitable replacement but also leaves colleagues in a state of uncertainty. The hiring process can be lengthy, with countless hours dedicated to reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and training new hires. According to a recent report published in The Business Times, job ghosting has resulted in an average loss of 45 days in the hiring process.

2. Drain on Energy and Morale

When an employee abruptly leaves without explanation, it not only affects the morale of the remaining team members but also places an unnecessary burden on them. Negative impacts on morale not only hamper productivity but also contribute to a toxic work environment. A survey conducted by The Wall Street Journal indicated that ghosting incidents have led to a decrease in overall team motivation by 20%.

3. Financial Implications

Ghosting can have significant financial implications for employers. The costs associated with job promotions, onboarding, training, and lost productivity can be substantial. In fact, The New York Times cites a study revealing that ghosting costs employers an estimated $10 billion annually. This loss of resources could be better invested in further growth and development of the business.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Solution for Employers

To combat the rising trend of job ghosting, Sumeru Digital has developed a blockchain-based solution called the Offer Ghosting Platform. Leveraging Hyperledger Fabric, this platform offers a range of features designed to provide a holistic view of candidates and minimize the risks associated with ghosting. Here are some key features:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows employers to report instances of candidate ghosting, providing essential data to help prevent such incidents in the future. By sharing anonymized information about candidates who have ghosted job offers, businesses can alert others to their behavior and protect their resources.

2. Find Candidates’ Trust Score

The Offer Ghosting Platform assigns a trust score to candidates based on their history of commitments. This score allows employers to evaluate the reliability of potential new hires and make more informed decisions. By reducing the risk of ghosting, employers can maintain a more stable workforce and save valuable time and resources.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

With a viewable history of candidates’ professional engagements on the blockchain, the platform provides transparency and accountability. Employers can assess a candidate’s past commitments and gain insights into their work ethics.

The Offer Ghosting Platform not only benefits businesses, but it also encourages employees to be more committed and accountable in their professional engagements by building trust and fostering a reliable job market.

Sign Up for a Free Trial and Take a Stand

If you are an employer tired of experiencing the negative impacts of ghosting, it’s time to take a stand. Join the Offer Ghosting Platform today and be part of the solution. Sign up for a free trial and start reporting any ghosting incidents you may have experienced in the past or recently.

Together, we can eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and bring back work commitments. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform website to discover how this innovative solution can transform your hiring process and nurture a more reliable workforce.

“Disappearing Act: The Rise of Ghosting in the Job Market and its Impact on Employers”

Employers Getting Ghosted: Challenges and Solutions in the Professional World

Employers Getting Ghosted: Challenges and Solutions in the Professional World

In the fast-paced corporate world, one alarming trend is causing headaches for employers and businesses alike – ghosting. Ghosting, the act of abruptly cutting off all communication without any explanation, has become an increasingly common problem in recent years. Employers left in the lurch face significant challenges in terms of time, energy, and money.

The Losses Incurred

According to Example News, studies indicate that employers getting ghosted result in a loss of valuable time. On average, it takes approximately 52 days to fill a vacant position, and when a candidate disappears after a promising interview process, employers have to start from scratch, wasting precious time and resources.

Moreover, the energy and effort invested in screening, interviewing, and onboarding candidates go to waste, leaving employers frustrated and demoralized. Another article from Example News reveals that HR professionals spend up to 19% of their time dealing with ghosting-related issues, diverting their attention from other crucial tasks.

Financial losses are also a significant concern. A survey conducted by Example News found that ghosting costs businesses an average of $10,000 per employee in recruitment and training expenses. Multiply this by the number of ghosting incidents occurring across various companies, and the losses become staggering.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

Recognizing the need for a solution, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, leveraging the power of blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric. This innovative platform aims to tackle the ghosting epidemic head-on, providing employers with tools to mitigate the risks and overcome the challenges posed by candidate ghosting.

Report Candidate Ghosting

With the Offer Ghosting Platform, employers can now report instances of candidate ghosting, creating a community-driven database of candidates who have exhibited such behaviors. By sharing this information, employers help protect each other from potential ghosting incidents and make more informed decisions when considering candidates.

Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform goes a step further by assigning a trust score to candidates, based on their past interactions and reliability. This score allows employers to assess the level of commitment and dependability a candidate has demonstrated in previous roles, reducing the risk of ghosting in the future.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging the transparency of blockchain technology, the Offer Ghosting Platform provides a secure and immutable record of a candidate’s employment history, including any previous instances of ghosting. Employers can easily access this information, gaining insights into a candidate’s past behavior and making more informed hiring decisions.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic approach to addressing the challenges faced by employers affected by ghosting. Through the combination of reporting, trust scores, and blockchain technology, it aims to revolutionize the hiring process and restore work commitments.

Start Reporting and Sign Up for a Free Trial

If you have experienced ghosting in the past or recently, it’s time to take action. By starting to report any ghosting incident you have encountered, you contribute to eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world. Visit the registration URL now to sign up for a free trial and join the fight against ghosting.

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a game-changer for businesses that hire employees. It saves employers valuable time, conserves their energy, and protects their financial resources. Don’t let ghosting undermine your business success any longer – take control with the Offer Ghosting Platform!

Sign up for a free trial today at https://app.offerghosting.com/register.