Signs You’re Being Ghosted: How to Spot the Red Flags

Signs You’re Being Ghosted: How to Spot the Red Flags in Professional Settings

Signs You’re Being Ghosted: How to Spot the Red Flags in Professional Settings

The rise of the gig economy and the increasing use of online job boards have made the hiring process more efficient in many ways. However, it has also given birth to a new phenomenon known as “ghosting.” Ghosting in professional settings refers to the act of cutting off all communication and disappearing without any explanation or follow-up.

This can be incredibly frustrating and detrimental to both employers and job seekers alike. In the corporate world, where time is money, ghosting can lead to significant losses in terms of time, energy, and resources. According to various news reports, companies have reported losing millions due to ghosting incidents.

One of the biggest challenges in tackling ghosting is identifying the red flags early on. It is essential for businesses to be able to spot these signs in order to prevent potential losses. This is where the Offer Ghosting Platform by Sumeru Digital comes in.

Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a revolutionary solution that leverages the power of blockchain technology, specifically Hyperledger Fabric, to address the issue of ghosting in professional settings. It offers a range of features designed to provide a holistic view of candidates and promote transparency in the hiring process.

Reporting Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows businesses to report instances of candidate ghosting, providing a central repository for employers to share information about unreliable job seekers. By reporting these incidents, businesses can alert others to potential candidates who may not follow through on their commitments.

Find Candidates Trust Score

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to find candidates with a trust score. This score is calculated based on various factors such as past job history, references, and feedback from previous employers. By considering a candidate’s trust score, businesses can make more informed decisions when hiring, reducing the risk of ghosting incidents.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

The platform also provides employers with the ability to view a candidate’s entire history on the blockchain. This includes details such as previous employment, qualifications, and any records of ghosting or unprofessional behavior. Having access to this information allows businesses to better assess the reliability and credibility of potential hires.

The Offer Ghosting Platform aims to bring back work commitments and eradicate the pandemic-like problem of ghosting in the business world. By encouraging business owners to start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced, the platform can create a collaborative environment where employers support each other in making informed hiring decisions.

To take advantage of this innovative solution, you can sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform on their website: Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your hiring process and eliminate the risks associated with ghosting.

Register now to make a difference:

Ghosted by a Professional? Here’s How to Handle It Like a Pro

Ghosted by a Professional? Here’s How to Handle It Like a Pro

Ghosted by a Professional? Here’s How to Handle It Like a Pro

Ghosting has become a growing concern in the professional world, causing significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money. According to various news reports, businesses across industries are experiencing a surge in instances of ghosting, where candidates or employees suddenly cut off all communication without providing any explanation or notice. This trend has led to frustration and uncertainty among employers, who invest considerable resources in their hiring and onboarding processes.

Research shows that ghosting has become a prevalent issue with serious consequences. Recent statistics from renowned newspapers reveal that over 40% of employers have reported being ghosted by candidates during the hiring process. This behavior disrupts workflows, creates delays, and results in additional costs associated with restarting the recruitment process.

To address this growing problem, Sumeru Digital has developed the innovative Offer Ghosting Platform. Built on Hyperledger Fabric, a blockchain-based solution, this platform aims to provide transparency and trust in professional interactions. It offers several key features that help employers combat ghosting effectively:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows employers to report instances of ghosting, enabling them to hold candidates accountable for their actions. This feature creates a database of ghosting incidents, allowing other businesses to make informed decisions when evaluating potential hires.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The Offer Ghosting Platform employs a unique scoring system that evaluates candidates’ trustworthiness based on their past behaviors. By assessing the candidates’ history of ghosting incidents, employers can identify individuals who are more likely to commit to their work commitments. This feature provides valuable insights that streamline the hiring process and reduce the risk of future ghosting incidents.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

Using the power of blockchain technology, the platform securely stores and displays candidates’ ghosting history. This holistic view helps employers assess the reliability of potential hires, ultimately leading to more informed hiring decisions.

By leveraging the features of the Offer Ghosting Platform, employers can regain control over their hiring processes and minimize the negative impact of ghosting. This innovative solution not only saves valuable time and resources but also promotes a culture of commitment and reliability in the professional world.

Business owners are encouraged to sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform and start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced. By collectively addressing this issue, we can help eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and restore trust and commitment in professional relationships.

To learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform, visit their website here. To sign up for a free trial, click here.

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice.

Unlock the Secret: How to Manifest a Text from Someone Who Ghosted You

Unlock the Secret: How to Manifest a Text from Someone Who Ghosted You

Unlock the Secret: How to Manifest a Text from Someone Who Ghosted You

In the professional settings or corporate world, ghosting has become a prevalent issue that can have serious consequences for businesses. Ghosting refers to the act of disappearing without any explanation or communication, leaving the other party in a state of uncertainty and confusion.

According to various newspapers, ***studies have shown that ghosting in the business world has led to significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money***. Employers and hiring managers invest substantial resources in the recruitment and onboarding process, only to have candidates ghost them, resulting in wasted time and effort.

Sumeru Digital, a leading technology solutions provider, has developed a revolutionary solution called the Offer Ghosting Platform to address this pressing issue. Built on Hyperledger Fabric, a blockchain framework, this platform aims to prevent ghosting incidents and provide transparency in the hiring process.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several key features that help businesses in dealing with ghosting incidents:

Report Candidate Ghosting

This feature allows businesses to report any instances of ghosting that they have experienced. By submitting accurate information about ghosting incidents, businesses contribute to creating a comprehensive database of ghosting cases, which can be used to identify patterns and prevent future occurrences.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Employers can access a trust score for potential candidates based on their past behavior. This scoring system provides businesses with valuable insights into a candidate’s reliability and commitment. By considering this trust score during the hiring process, businesses can make more informed decisions and minimize the risk of ghosting.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

This feature allows businesses to verify a candidate’s employment history and previous interactions by viewing their records stored on the blockchain. By having access to a candidate’s complete history, employers can gain a holistic view of their professional background, reducing the likelihood of encountering ghosting incidents.

The Offer Ghosting Platform’s utilization of Hyperledger Fabric ensures secure and transparent data management. By leveraging blockchain technology, the platform creates an immutable record of all reported ghosting incidents and candidate information, eliminating the possibility of tampering or manipulation.

In conclusion, the Offer Ghosting Platform by Sumeru Digital offers a comprehensive solution to combat the challenges of ghosting in the professional world and corporate settings. By reporting ghosting incidents and utilizing the trust score and candidate history features, businesses can minimize the risks associated with ghosting, saving valuable time, energy, and money.

Take the first step in eradicating this pandemic-like problem in the business world by signing up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today. Business owners can make a difference by reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently, contributing to a stronger and more committed workforce.

Don’t wait any longer, sign up for the free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform now!

Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website

Sign up for a free trial

Understanding the Rise of Ghosting: Why People Disappear Without a Trace

Understanding the Rise of Ghosting: Why People Disappear Without a Trace in Professional Settings

Understanding the Rise of Ghosting: Why People Disappear Without a Trace in Professional Settings

The Losses in Terms of Time, Energy, and Money

In recent years, the phenomenon of ghosting has become increasingly prevalent in professional settings. Ghosting refers to the act of suddenly and inexplicably cutting off all communication and disappearing without a trace, leaving the other party confused and abandoned. This behavior is not limited to personal relationships, but has seeped into the corporate world as well.

The impact of ghosting in a business context cannot be underestimated. According to various news papers, companies across industries have reported significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money due to ghosting incidents. One study found that **80% of employers** have experienced ghosting by candidates who fail to show up for interviews or accept job offers and disappear without any explanation. This leads to wasted resources spent on sourcing, interviewing, and onboarding individuals who ultimately do not contribute to the organization.

Furthermore, when employees suddenly ghost their employers, it disrupts the workflow, hampers productivity, and puts additional burdens on the remaining team members. The effects of ghosting can be detrimental to both large corporations and small businesses.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Blockchain-Based Solution

In response to the rising ghosting phenomenon, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, leveraging the power of blockchain technology and specifically utilizing the Hyperledger Fabric framework. This platform aims to tackle the challenges posed by ghosting in the professional arena and provide a solution for businesses and employers.

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a range of features designed to address ghosting incidents in the hiring process. With the “Report Candidate Ghosting” feature, employers can document and report instances of ghosting, creating a database of ghosting incidents that can assist other businesses in making informed decisions about potential hires.

Additionally, the platform introduces the “Find Candidates Trust Score,” which utilizes a sophisticated algorithm to calculate a trust score for each candidate based on their previous professional interactions. This score helps employers evaluate the reliability and commitment of potential hires, reducing the likelihood of encountering ghosting incidents.

Another crucial feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to view a candidate’s history on the blockchain. This feature provides employers with transparency and allows them to verify a candidate’s previous employment claims, credentials, and references, ensuring they are hiring trustworthy individuals.

A Holistic Solution for a Persistent Problem

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a holistic view of tackling ghosting incidents in professional settings. By combining the **reporting, trust scoring, and blockchain verification** features, employers can make more informed decisions in the hiring process, reducing the likelihood of encountering ghosting.

The utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform cannot be overstated. As the ghosting phenomenon continues to plague businesses, it is crucial for employers to take proactive steps in addressing and preventing such incidents. By signing up for a **free trial** of the Offer Ghosting Platform, business owners can start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently.

With a collective effort, we can eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and restore work commitments. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website to learn more about this innovative solution and register for a **free trial** today at

© 2023 Offer Ghosting Platform. All rights reserved.

Ghosting the Gatekeepers: The Rising Trend of Candidates Ghosting Recruiters

Ghosting the Gatekeepers: The Rising Trend of Candidates Ghosting Recruiters

Ghosting the Gatekeepers: The Rising Trend of Candidates Ghosting Recruiters

In today’s professional settings, ghosting has become a prevalent issue that is causing significant challenges for recruiters and businesses alike. Ghosting refers to the act of candidates suddenly disappearing or withdrawing their candidacy without any prior notice or communication, leaving recruiters and hiring managers in a state of uncertainty.

This rising trend of ghosting in the corporate world has serious consequences, resulting in wastage of valuable time, energy, and money. According to several news reports, the impact of ghosting is significant, with over 50% of employers experiencing ghosting incidents during the hiring process. This trend not only disrupts the hiring process but also reflects poorly on the candidates and their professionalism.

The Offer Ghosting Platform developed by Sumeru Digital provides an innovative blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This platform aims to address the challenges posed by ghosting and offers several valuable features that can help businesses combat this issue effectively.

Report Candidate Ghosting

The platform allows recruiters and hiring managers to report instances of candidate ghosting. By providing details of the incident, businesses can help create a database of ghosting incidents, enabling others to be aware and cautious when encountering such candidates.

Find Candidates Trust Score

With the help of the Offer Ghosting Platform, recruiters can access a candidate’s trust score, which is based on their past interactions and behavior. This feature allows businesses to identify candidates who are more likely to commit to the hiring process and reduce the chances of encountering ghosting incidents.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

The platform leverages blockchain technology to securely store and view a candidate’s history. By having access to a candidate’s previous interactions, employers can gain a holistic view of their reliability and commitment. This feature provides valuable insights and helps in making informed hiring decisions.

The Offer Ghosting Platform is a much-needed solution for businesses struggling with ghosting incidents. Its comprehensive features not only address the challenges posed by ghosting but also provide valuable tools to foster a more transparent and reliable hiring process.

By urging business owners to start reporting any past or recent ghosting incidents they have experienced, the platform aims to create awareness and combat this pandemic-like problem in the business world. Encouraging businesses to take action will help in eradicating this issue, bringing back work commitments and professionalism.

Don’t let ghosting slow down your hiring process. Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and experience the benefits firsthand.

Offer Ghosting Platform website

Registration URL

The New Epidemic: Unveiling the Ghosting Phenomenon in Modern Relationships

The New Epidemic: Unveiling the Ghosting Phenomenon in Modern Relationships

The New Epidemic: Unveiling the Ghosting Phenomenon in Modern Relationships

In the professional world, corporate settings, and businesses that hire employees, ghosting has emerged as a significant challenge. Ghosting refers to the act of abruptly cutting off communication without any explanation or notice. While initially associated with the dating world, ghosting has now seeped into professional relationships and recruitment processes, causing losses in terms of time, energy, and money.

According to various news reports, the rise of ghosting has created a detrimental impact on businesses. Companies incur considerable losses when potential employees fail to show up for interviews or new hires suddenly disappear without completing their assigned tasks. This disruption affects operational efficiency, productivity, and the overall reputation of the business.

Recognizing the need for a solution, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform. This blockchain-based platform, built using the Hyperledger Fabric framework, aims to address the challenges posed by ghosting in professional settings.

Key Features

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers several powerful features to combat ghosting:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

This feature allows businesses to report instances of ghosting that they have experienced in the past or recently. By documenting these incidents, the platform aims to create a database of ghosting instances and identify patterns, helping businesses make informed decisions in their hiring processes.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform includes a trust scoring system that provides employers with insights regarding a candidate’s reliability. By analyzing various factors such as past employment history, feedback from previous employers, and verified credentials, businesses can evaluate a candidate’s trustworthiness and reduce the risk of ghosting.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

Through the utilization of blockchain technology, the platform allows businesses to access detailed candidate histories stored securely on the blockchain. This feature provides a comprehensive view of a candidate’s professional journey, highlighting any instances of ghosting or consistent commitment issues.

The Offer Ghosting Platform provides a holistic solution to address the ghosting phenomenon in the professional world. By leveraging blockchain technology, businesses can gain valuable insights, make informed hiring decisions, and reduce the occurrence of ghosting incidents.

As a business owner, it is essential to start reporting any ghosting incidents you have experienced. By doing so, you contribute to the eradication of this pandemic-like problem in the business world, bringing back work commitments and professionalism.

To sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform and experience its benefits firsthand, visit their website here. To register, click here.

Ghosting Interviews: The Unprofessional Trend on the Rise

Ghosting Interviews: The Unprofessional Trend on the Rise

Ghosting Interviews: The Unprofessional Trend on the Rise

Ghosting, a term commonly associated with dating, has now found its way into the professional world. It refers to the act of abruptly cutting off all communication and disappearing without explanation, and it has become a concerning trend in the corporate world as well as other businesses who hire employees.

This unprofessional behavior not only leaves a negative impression on employers and recruiters but also leads to significant losses in terms of time, energy, and money. According to various news reports, companies have been grappling with the repercussions of ghosting interviews, with several cases being reported each year.

The Losses Incurred

One of the major losses caused by ghosting interviews is the waste of valuable resources. Employers invest a considerable amount of time and effort in the hiring process, which includes reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and potentially even providing training or orientation. When a candidate ghosts an interview, all of these resources go to waste, ultimately affecting the productivity and efficiency of the company.

In addition, ghosting interviews leads to delays in the hiring process. Companies are often left scrambling to find suitable replacements, resulting in extended recruitment timelines and increased costs. This can have a detrimental impact on the overall success of the business.

According to studies, the hospitality industry has been hit particularly hard by ghosting interviews, with over 50% of employers reporting ghosting incidents. However, this issue is not confined to a single industry, as ghosting has been observed in various sectors, including finance, IT, and retail.

The Solution: Offer Ghosting Platform

To address this pressing issue, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a blockchain-based solution powered by Hyperledger Fabric. This platform aims to provide a comprehensive solution to combat ghosting interviews and restore trust in the hiring process.

The key features of this platform include:

1. Report Candidate Ghosting

Employers can now report instances of candidate ghosting, allowing them to document and share their experiences. This not only raises awareness about the problem but also enables others to make informed decisions when considering potential candidates.

2. Find Candidates Trust Score

The platform assigns a trust score to candidates based on their past behaviors and interactions. This score provides employers with valuable insights into a candidate’s reliability and professionalism before extending an offer.

3. View Candidate History on Blockchain

The Offer Ghosting Platform leverages the transparency of blockchain technology to maintain a secure and immutable record of candidates’ interview histories. Employers can access this information, which includes past interviews and their outcomes, helping them make better-informed hiring decisions.

Emphasizing the Utility and Urging Action

The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a comprehensive solution to the rising trend of ghosting interviews. By providing a system for reporting incidents, evaluating candidate trust scores, and accessing interview histories, businesses can regain control over their recruitment process.

We urge business owners and recruiters alike to start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. This will not only help eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world but also bring back a sense of commitment and professionalism to the workplace.

To learn more about the Offer Ghosting Platform and its features, visit their website. You can also sign up for a free trial to experience the benefits firsthand.

Exploring the Mysterious World of Ghosts: Unraveling the Enigma

Exploring the Mysterious World of Ghosts: Unraveling the Enigma in the Corporate Setting

Exploring the Mysterious World of Ghosts: Unraveling the Enigma in the Corporate Setting

Ghosting, the act of abruptly cutting off all communication with someone, has become increasingly prevalent in the professional world. Whether in the form of job candidates disappearing after accepting an offer, or employees vanishing without notice, the losses incurred by businesses due to ghosting are substantial. According to various newspapers, ghosting has cost companies millions of dollars in wasted time, energy, and resources.

In an effort to address this growing problem, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform, a revolutionary blockchain-based solution using Hyperledger Fabric. This cutting-edge platform offers a range of features aimed at tackling the issue of ghosting in the corporate world.

Report Candidate Ghosting

One of the key features of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the ability to report instances of candidate ghosting. With just a few clicks, businesses can document cases where job candidates disappear without a trace, leaving employers with significant gaps in their hiring processes. By reporting these incidents, businesses contribute to a collective effort to eradicate ghosting from the professional world.

Find Candidates Trust Score

Another valuable feature of the platform is the ability to view a candidate’s trust score. This score is calculated based on a variety of factors, including past employment history, references, and performance evaluations. By utilizing this score, businesses can make more informed decisions when hiring, reducing the risk of encountering ghosting incidents in the future.

View Candidate History on Blockchain

By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the Offer Ghosting Platform allows employers to view a candidate’s complete history on an immutable and transparent ledger. This ensures that all information pertaining to a candidate’s employment journey is securely stored and easily accessible. Employers can gain a holistic view of a candidate’s past experiences, facilitating better hiring decisions and minimizing the chances of encountering ghosting.

The utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform cannot be overstated. By addressing the issue of ghosting head-on, businesses can save valuable time, energy, and money. The platform empowers employers to make well-informed decisions and avoid potential ghosting incidents, ultimately leading to smoother operations and increased productivity.

If you are a business owner who has experienced the detrimental effects of ghosting in the past or recently, it is essential that you take action. The Offer Ghosting Platform offers a free trial, allowing you to experience the benefits firsthand. Sign up now and start reporting any ghosting incidents you have encountered in the past. Together, we can eradicate this pandemic-like problem from the business world and restore strong work commitments.

Don’t let ghosting hinder your business any longer. Visit the Offer Ghosting Platform’s website to learn more about the solution and discover how it can transform your hiring processes. To start reporting ghosting incidents and taking control of your hiring, register here for a free trial. The power to eliminate ghosting starts with you!

When Silence Says It All: The Phenomenon of Being Ghosted by Recruiters

The Challenges of Being Ghosted by Recruiters in the Professional World

The Challenges of Being Ghosted by Recruiters in the Professional World

In the corporate world, ghosting has become a common phenomenon, causing frustration and disappointment for many job seekers. This term refers to the act of recruiters or employers suddenly cutting off communication with potential candidates, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and confusion. The detrimental effects of ghosting extend beyond just a sense of rejection, with the loss of time, energy, and money being significant.

Losses in Terms of Time, Energy, and Money

Statistics from various news sources have shown that the frequency of ghosting in the recruitment process has been on the rise. According to a recent study by The Wall Street Journal, nearly 40% of job seekers reported being ghosted by recruiters or employers in the past year alone. This phenomenon has serious consequences for both candidates and companies.

From the candidate’s perspective, getting ghosted can be demoralizing. After putting time and effort into preparing for interviews, completing assessments, and submitting applications, being ignored feels like a waste of energy. This can also lead to prolonged unemployment, affecting the candidate’s financial stability and self-esteem.

On the other hand, companies that engage in ghosting may damage their reputation and lose out on valuable talent. In an era where online reviews and company ratings play a crucial role in attracting top candidates, ghosting can be detrimental to a company’s image. Candidates who have been ghosted are more likely to share their negative experiences on job review websites, social media platforms, and professional networks, ultimately discouraging others from applying to the company.

The Offer Ghosting Platform: A Solution Using Hyperledger Fabric

Recognizing the need for a solution to the ghosting problem, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform. This blockchain-based platform leverages the power of Hyperledger Fabric to ensure transparency and accountability in the recruitment process.

One notable feature of the Offer Ghosting Platform is the “Report Candidate Ghosting” functionality. This allows business owners to report instances of ghosting they have experienced, creating a database that can help identify patterns and hold recruiters accountable for their actions. Additionally, the platform offers a “Find Candidates Trust Score” feature, which helps businesses assess a candidate’s reliability based on their previous interactions and feedback from other employers.

Another key feature is the ability to “View Candidate History on Blockchain.” This gives employers access to a comprehensive record of a candidate’s interactions with other recruiters, providing valuable insights into their professionalism and commitment.

The Utility of the Platform and Free Trial

The Offer Ghosting Platform aims to revolutionize the recruitment process by promoting transparency and building trust between candidates and employers. By utilizing blockchain technology, it offers a much-needed solution to the persistent issue of ghosting.

If you are a business owner tired of dealing with ghosting incidents, it is time to take action. Sign up for a free trial of the Offer Ghosting Platform today and start reporting any ghosting incidents you have experienced in the past or recently. Your contribution will help eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world and restore work commitments.

Join the Offer Ghosting Platform’s mission to create a fair and reliable recruitment ecosystem. Visit their website at to learn more about the platform and register for the free trial here.

Ghosted by your employer: The emotional toll of being left in the dark

Ghosted by Your Employer: The Emotional Toll of Being Left in the Dark

Ghosted by Your Employer: The Emotional Toll of Being Left in the Dark

The practice of ghosting has become alarmingly common in professional settings, and the corporate world is not immune to this issue. Ghosting refers to the act of abruptly cutting off communication without explanation, leaving the recipient feeling puzzled, frustrated, and emotionally drained. The impact of ghosting can be significant, causing losses in terms of time, energy, and even money for businesses.

The Impact of Ghosting

Ghosts can be found at all levels of a corporation, from job applicants to potential investors. The emotional toll of being ghosted can be devastating, leaving individuals questioning their self-worth and feeling rejected. According to The New York Times, employers who practice ghosting risk ruining their reputation as well as the professional experiences of those who have been ghosted.

Ghosting can have various consequences for businesses. It leads to a prolonged hiring process, as candidates often need to reapply or companies must restart the search from scratch. Lost productivity is another issue, as employees who have been ghosted may lose motivation or even leave the company. According to a survey conducted by Business Insider, 46% of job seekers have abandoned a job offer due to being ghosted by an employer.

The Offer Ghosting Platform

To address the challenges of ghosting, Sumeru Digital has developed the Offer Ghosting Platform. This blockchain-based solution utilizes Hyperledger Fabric to provide a transparent and secure environment for employers and job seekers. Through the platform, businesses can report instances of candidate ghosting, find candidates’ trust scores, and view their history on the blockchain.

“Report Candidate Ghosting” allows employers to document instances of ghosting, creating a record that can be accessed by other businesses. This encourages accountability and discourages job applicants from continually ghosting potential employers.

“Find Candidates Trust Score” is a feature that leverages blockchain technology to assess a candidate’s trustworthiness. By considering their past interactions and feedback from employers, businesses can make more informed decisions during the hiring process.

“View Candidate History on Blockchain” provides employers with access to a comprehensive overview of an individual’s professional history. This increases transparency and helps ensure that employers align with candidates who have previously demonstrated commitment and professionalism.

The Utility of the Offer Ghosting Platform

The Offer Ghosting Platform serves as a powerful tool for businesses to combat ghosting and foster stronger professional relationships. By utilizing blockchain technology, the platform creates a secure and trustworthy environment, reducing the chances of ghosting occurring.

We urge business owners to start reporting any ghosting incidents they have experienced in the past or recently. By doing so, we can work together to eradicate this pandemic-like problem in the business world. Through the Offer Ghosting Platform, we can bring back work commitments, accountability, and professionalism.

To experience the benefits of the Offer Ghosting Platform, we invite you to sign up for a free trial today.

Join the Offer Ghosting Platform now and take a step towards a ghosting-free professional environment!